Topic: package manager and other
I applaud your challenge to Intel/Microsoft FORTRAN packages. I bought straight without trial period both basic SF and package manager, and I will give it a good faith try.
1. Having the following trouble with the package manager. It does not work if I put ' -lslatec -llapack -lblas' in the project/option/linker. It complains that it cannot find the required subs. It works fine if I change the order to the following
-llapack -lblas -lslatec. Slatec should go last. What is the story?
2. My problem with the debugging: I want to see the content of 2D array, which is formed by a function. It shows as zero (it is not) in the list of variables even if the cursor is inside of this function, and the array is already fully formed. Watch expression for a particular member, say A(2,3) is also zero. It does show as something regular and expected in the console, when I put WRITE(*,*) A(2,3)
3. The following could be helpful
(a) If I want to debug in a certain place where the cursor is now, I have to start debugging which brings me to line 1, and then find the line of interest again, set a cursor there and let it run to this place. This is awkward. Is there an option which runs to the place where I am now?
(b) Would not it be nice to hover over a variable of interest and see what it is? Both (a) and (b) are features of VS FORTRAN.
It is very likely that it is already there and I do not know how to do it.
Thank you, thank you
Alex Azarkhin