Topic: Dislin

I am a fortran software developer. I was looking for a fortran GUI and found your site.
However I was until now not a GUI user.
Question : How to link,compile DISLIN to your fortran 64 bit. I have downloaded DISLIN but I don't know how to incorporate it.
                Do you have some sort of batch file or example.

Re: Dislin

If you download and install DISLIN via the SF Package Manager, you should see a DISLIN example on your start screen (you'll probably have to scroll down).  It provides a skeleton for getting started with compiling DISLIN projects.

Let me know if you're having trouble locating the example.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: Dislin

For another example which demonstrates more of DISLIN's capabilities for building a GUI, see program ROOTS at this URL :

Re: Dislin

I never realized that it was so easy to build a GUI with DISLIN.  Jeez...  Unless I'm wrong, it takes almost all the work out of it.
