Topic: Recent projects list


Would you consider providing a button or a pull-down option to clear the list of recently used projects?

Also, in the splash screen, I'd much prefer the most recent to be at the first one displayed, not last (ie reverse-date order).  Does anyone else agree, I wonder?  Perhaps an option for this as well?

Re: Recent projects list

I agree it would be nice to have an option to clear this. I am not bothered about the order displayed though -- it seems fine to me that the last one is at the end of the list.

There are two "recently used" lists, one for Projects and one for Files, so it would be prudent to provide options to clear both sets individually (an option on the File menu, and an option on the Project menu, and/or options on the startup pane).

In the meantime you can just clear this entry in the registry when you need a "clean" start.

Just a thought.


Re: Recent projects list

I agree with reverse-date order.  Don't really care about clearing lists, though.

Normally I have SF pinned to my taskbar, so when I right click on it, it'll display all the projects I've manually opened in the past (i.e. double-clicked on the .prj file).  Its the easiest way I've found to open stuff.
