Topic: SF 2.9 crashes when Terminating a run


Thanks for the new version of SF 2.9.

However, it may contain a 'bug'.

When executing a program in SF 2.9, it was observed that SF consistently and reproducibly 'crashes' when the 'Terminate' button is implemented to end the running program.


Re: SF 2.9 crashes when Terminating a run


I'm seeing this too.  I'll try to get a bug fix ready tomorrow.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: SF 2.9 crashes when Terminating a run


A new build is available on the Download page that fixes this issue.  The problem arose when the Terminate button was  pressed, clearing the currently running process.  The timer used to check for program output, though, was not stopped, and it would attempt to read from the dead process.  Accessing a structure related to the dead process caused an exception that crashed Simply Fortran.  I just had to check that the process was dead prior to trying to access the process for reading.

Thank you for reporting the bug!

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC