Topic: When I open "empty MPI Project" or "MPI Example" nothing is there...

I installed package manager and downloaded the MPI package, but on the start menu there is no project files to be found when I click on the new projects

"empty MPI Project"


"MPI Example"

Perhaps I've done something wrong?

Re: When I open "empty MPI Project" or "MPI Example" nothing is there...


I think you're misunderstanding how the Start tab's project offerings work.  To start the "MPI Example," you need to:

1.  Start Simply Fortran.

2.  In the Start panel, click "MPI Example."

3.  The file dialog opens asking you where you'd like to save your new project.  You'll need to type in a file name and save it to a valid directory.  You won't necessarily see any project files at this step since this is a "Save Project As..." dialog.

4.  Click Ok in the "Save Project As..." dialog after you've entered a filename.

After saving the project, you should now see, in the Project Outline panel, the following files:

  • prime_mpi.f

  • prime_mpi.f90

The project should build just fine.

Let us know if you have better luck!

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: When I open "empty MPI Project" or "MPI Example" nothing is there...

Thank you...

Re: When I open "empty MPI Project" or "MPI Example" nothing is there...

Did the above instructions work?  I just want to make sure you can try out the MPI examples.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

5 (edited by brendan 2015-05-08 20:55:24)

Re: When I open "empty MPI Project" or "MPI Example" nothing is there...

It did.  I am assuming that if MPI was not properly operating that the program would not run?

Sorry, I should have given you more data on the last reply!

I have an 8 core processor and I can see 4 cores responding - 1 core more than the others. But it says the number of processes is 1, so I am unsure how to interpret that.

Now I have to get it to work for multiple computers.  Any suggestions on reading that I can do?

Re: When I open "empty MPI Project" or "MPI Example" nothing is there...

I was able to confirm that this is not grabbing all the cores by looking at the output from … output.txt

Any suggestions Jeff as to what I have done wrong on setup?  I did this on two machines and got the same results.  I also tried the hello world mpi I found at the above website, and it only grabs 1...

Re: When I open "empty MPI Project" or "MPI Example" nothing is there...


In order to execute your program under MPI management, you'll need to use a command mpiexec.  The "easiest" way to do so would be to use the command line and launch your program manually.  For 8 cores, you'd want to use the command:

mpiexec -n 8 target.exe

Alternatively, after loading the MPI example, you'll see that the "Toolbox" menu should have a few new entries.  One entry is labeled "Launch with 4 Processes."  This toolbox command is pre-configured to launch the executable "target.exe" as 4 MPI-managed processes.  If you select "Configure Tools..." from that same menu, you can change the command used to launch your program under MPI management.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: When I open "empty MPI Project" or "MPI Example" nothing is there...

Ooops!  Thanks Jeff.  I will try that out a little later today.