Hi Jeff,
First, I must admit that I don't fully understand the workings (logical order) of AppGraphics. However, I've modified your Resize routine to display a 2nd window 'Splash screen' with a timer and the closeflag=.true. and a third window with the closeflag=.false.
In addition, I've added new FILE menu options to display a new window and to close a window. However, I'm still having trouble trying to close only the child windows while still displaying the main window.
When I try and close a window SF crashing with an error message.
If you have a chance, please take a look and see if this is a result of a bug or only my lack of knowledge.
The complete listing of your revised resize routine is attached below...
program resizing
use appgraphics
implicit none
integer, volatile::task
integer, parameter::task_quit=0
integer, parameter::task_open=1
integer, parameter::task_run=2
integer, parameter::task_win=3
integer, parameter::task_close=4
integer :: root_menu, file_menu, item_temp, win_menu, itr
character(2) :: CRLF
character(512) :: cTxt
logical :: bClose
CRLF = Achar(13) // Achar(10)
myscreen = initwindow(320, 240, closeflag=.TRUE.)
mybutton = createbutton(270, 210, 40, 20, "Close", handle_button)
root_menu = addmenu("", MENU_FOR_WINDOW)
file_menu = addmenu("File", root_menu)
item_temp = addmenuitem("Open another window...", file_menu, handle_winopen)
item_temp = addmenuitem("Close a window...", file_menu, handle_winclose)
item_temp = addmenuitem("Save Screenshot...", file_menu, savescreen)
item_temp = addmenuitem("Open", file_menu, handle_open)
run_item = addmenuitem("Run", file_menu, handle_run)
item_temp = addmenuitem("Quit", file_menu, quitwndo)
cTxt = 'This is the second window inialized ' //CRLF// &
'with the closeflag = .TRUE. Let''s try and ' //CRLF// &
'close the second window.' //CRLF
bClose = .TRUE.
CALL SplashScreen( 'Second Window', cTxt, 4, bClose )
cTxt = 'This is the third window inialized but ' //CRLF// &
'with the closeflag = .FALSE. Let''s try and ' //CRLF// &
'select-> FILE/OPEN ANOTHER WINDOW and then ' //CRLF// &
bClose = .FALSE.
CALL SplashScreen( 'Third Window', cTxt, 3, bClose )
call enableresize(handle_resize)
task = -1
itr = 3
do while(task .NE. task_quit)
call draw_window()
call loop()
select case(task)
case (task_open)
call openfile()
case (task_run)
call longrun()
case (task_win)
itr = itr + 1
call openwin()
case (task_close)
call closewin()
end select
end do
call closewindow(myscreen)
subroutine draw_window()
use appgraphics
implicit none
w = getmaxx()
h = getmaxy()
call setbuttonposition(mybutton, w-50, h-30, 40, 20)
write(info, '(A5,1X,I5,A1,I5)') "Size:", w, "x", h
call setviewport(0, 0, w, 40, .FALSE.)
call clearviewport()
tw = textwidth(trim(info))
call outtextxy( (w/2-tw/2), 5, trim(info))
end subroutine draw_window
subroutine handle_button()
use appgraphics, only: stopidle
implicit none
task = task_quit
call stopidle()
end subroutine handle_button
subroutine handle_resize()
use appgraphics
implicit none
call stopidle()
end subroutine handle_resize
subroutine handle_open()
use appgraphics
implicit none
task = task_open
call stopidle()
end subroutine handle_open
subroutine handle_winopen()
use appgraphics
implicit none
task = task_win
call stopidle()
end subroutine handle_winopen
subroutine openwin()
USE appgraphics
implicit none
character(4) :: cItr
write( cItr, '(I3)' ) Itr
cTxt = 'Open window number '// cItr //CRLF// &
'with the closeflag = .FALSE. Let''s try and ' //CRLF// &
bClose = .FALSE.
CALL SplashScreen( 'New Window', cTxt, 3, bClose )
end subroutine openwin
subroutine handle_winclose()
use appgraphics
implicit none
task = task_close
call stopidle()
end subroutine handle_winclose
subroutine closewin()
USE appgraphics
implicit none
!--- Close the windows
! CALL closewindow (ALL_WINDOWS)
! CALL closewindow (NO_CURRENT_WINDOW)
! CALL closewindow()
!--- Get main menu window and set it to the current window
newscreen = getsignallingwindow ( )
!--- Close a window
CALL setcurrentwindow (newscreen)
CALL closewindow(newscreen)
end subroutine closewin
subroutine openfile()
USE appgraphics, ONLY: dlgopenfile
implicit none
CHARACTER(255) :: input_file_name
! Appgraphics function dlgopenfile (filename, maskdesc, mask, title)
input_file_name= repeat(' ', 255)
IF( dlgopenfile( &
input_file_name, 'Data', '*.raw', 'Enter data file') ) THEN
Print *, "You've selected "//trim(input_file_name)
Print *, "No file was selected"
input_file_name = TRIM(input_file_name)
end subroutine openfile
subroutine savescreen()
use appgraphics, only: writeimagefile
implicit none
! This call will open a file dialog since we haven't
! specified a filename
call writeimagefile()
end subroutine savescreen
subroutine handle_run()
use appgraphics, only: stopidle
implicit none
task = task_run
call stopidle()
end subroutine handle_run
subroutine longrun()
implicit none
real::starttime, nowtime
call enablemenuitem(run_item, .FALSE.)
call cpu_time(starttime)
nowtime = starttime
do while(nowtime - starttime .LT. 0.01)
call cpu_time(nowtime)
WRITE( *,'(A1$)') , "."
end do
call enablemenuitem(run_item, .TRUE.)
end subroutine longrun
subroutine quitwndo()
use appgraphics, only: stopidle
implicit none
task = task_quit
call stopidle()
end subroutine quitwndo
Subroutine SplashScreen( cMenu, cTxt, nDelaysec, bClose )
! Parameters:
! cMenu: text used in the menu title bar
! cTxt: text narrative in the textbox
! nDelaysec: number seconds delayed
implicit none
character(*), intent(IN) :: cMenu
character(*), intent(IN) :: cTxt
integer, intent(IN) :: nDelaysec
logical, intent(IN) :: bClose
character(LEN(cTxt)) :: cTxt2
character(2) :: CRLF
integer :: textbox, timerscreen, myscreen
integer :: tw, w, wd, h, ht, nlen
CRLF = Achar(13) // Achar(10)
!--- Line width of text is 64 characters/line
nlen = LEN( TRIM(cTxt) ) ! lenstr(s)
cTxt2 = cTxt(1:nlen)
ht = 100
wd = 0
timerscreen = initwindow(400, ht, title=cMenu, &
left=300, top=200, closeflag=bClose)
call setcolor(BLACK)
call setbkcolor(WHITE)
call clearviewport()
w = getmaxx()
h = getmaxy()
call settextjustify(LEFT_TEXT, TOP_TEXT)
call settextstyle (SANS_SERIF_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 16)
tw = textwidth(TRIM(cTxt2))
cTxt2 = TRIM(cTxt2)
call outtextxy( (w/2-tw/2+wd), h/2-h/5, TRIM(cTxt2) )
call startidle (nDelaysec*1000)
CALL stopidle( )
call refreshall( )
!--- Set the main menu window to the current window
CALL setcurrentwindow (myscreen)
IF ( bClose ) THEN
!--- Then close the second window
CALL closewindow(timerscreen)
!--- Don't close the window.
End Subroutine SplashScreen
end program resizing