Topic: SF-Linux GUI, to run in a Window with no console appearing
I have looked at building a GUI usingGlade and Gtk but I'm not keen on that because I want to be able to code all my GUI and other graphics into the object code, and I'm unkeen on the idea of my projects always having to include a separate Glade output file to sit alongside the program executable.
In case you come up with any ideas that you could use to post APpgraphics to Linux, Jeff, please mention this, but I realise that this is is very unlikely to be on the cards for SF Linux, and I am assuming it will not be. I must therefore revert to DISLIN, with which I know from experienece I can build a good GUI and which has versions that can be used with all Linux distros - including the RaspPi.
I've a long way to go before I get there but I am therefore planning to install DISLIN for Linux, with which to create GUIs with SF-Linux.
A question for later, therefore, is this: In the Windows version, there is a option to build a SF project executable that will run in its own Window, without opening a console. Can this be done in the Linux version as well?