Topic: Syntax coloring for non-standard line length

Hey everyone,

I am using Simply Fortran to compile F77 code with non-standard line length. My problem is, is that I can't seem to get the automatic syntax coloring to take into account the non-standard line length.

For example, in the following snippet, the OPEN statement is closed after column 72. With a non-standard line length this compiles just fine, but clearly the coloring is off on the subsequent lines.

When I reformat the OPEN statement such that it is closed after column 72, the syntax color is okay. Is there a way to make the syntax coloring take into account the non-standard line length?


Re: Syntax coloring for non-standard line length


It's definitely a bug.  I'll investigate it this morning.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: Syntax coloring for non-standard line length

Thanks Jeff.