Thank you for your reply.
Yes, the initial changes I made were in progress.f90 by merely substituting 1000 for 100.
The most recent changes I made are listed in the following code, and now the program runs the way I would like it.
program main
use progress
implicit none
type(progresswindow), volatile::prog_bar
integer::counter, i, kount, nsims, n_times
real::last_time, now_time
write(*,"(1x,'Enter number of simulations: '$)")
read(*,*) nsims
n_times = nsims/100
prog_bar = initprogress("Timed Progress", canceltest)
call cpu_time(last_time)
now_time = last_time
kount = 0
do i = 1, nsims
kount = kount + 1
if (kount.ge.n_times) then
do while(counter < 100)
do while(now_time - last_time < 0.2)
call cpu_time(now_time)
end do
last_time = now_time
counter = counter + 1
call prog_bar%draw(counter)
kount = 0
end do
end if
end do
call prog_bar%close()
subroutine canceltest
implicit none
counter = 101
now_time = now_time + 1.0
end subroutine canceltest
end program main