Topic: Incorrect working directory for DLL

Hi everybody,

I have a DLL which is compiled with SF. But during the run of DLL, working directory from "getcwd" is not the same as the path where the DLL is. Are there any ways to return where the DLL file actually located?


Re: Incorrect working directory for DLL

That's a tricky one.  The working directory is not necessarily the directory where a DLL is located.  It gets more complicated, though.  The DLL's location is a bit difficult to determine from inside the DLL itself since these libraries can be loaded from anywhere, in theory.  Getting the path of the executable is usually easier, but we can locate the DLL's path using a chain of Windows API calls.

We can use a combination of Windows calls to GetModuleHandleEx and GetModuleFileName to pull this off.  Here's a module that wraps them nicely:

module dllpath


    function get_dll_handle(justname) result(hModule)
    use iso_c_binding
    implicit none
        character(*), intent(in)::justname
            function GetModuleHandleEx(dwFlags, pModuleName, phModule) bind(c, name="GetModuleHandleExA")
                use iso_c_binding
                integer(kind=c_int32_t), value::dwFlags
                type(c_ptr), value::pModuleName
                type(c_ptr), value::phModule
            end function GetModuleHandleEx
        end interface
        character(kind=c_char, len=:), pointer::c_justname, c_fullpath
        type(c_ptr), target::hModule
        hModule = c_null_ptr
        c_justname = trim(justname)//c_null_char
        c_fullpath_loc = c_loc(c_fullpath)
        if(.not. GetModuleHandleEx(int(0, kind=c_int32_t), c_loc(c_justname), c_loc(hModule))) then
            Print *, "ERROR: Could not retrieve module handle"
            hModule = c_null_ptr
        end if
    end function get_dll_handle

    function get_module_path(hModule, fullpath)
    use iso_c_binding
    implicit none
        type(c_ptr), intent(in)::hModule
        character(*), intent(out)::fullpath
            function GetModuleFileName(hMod, pFilename, nSize) bind(c, name="GetModuleFileNameA")
                use iso_c_binding
                integer(kind=c_int32_t), value::nSize
                type(c_ptr), value::hMod, pFilename
            end function GetModuleFileName
        end interface
        character(kind=c_char, len=:), pointer::c_fullpath
        if(GetModuleFileName(hModule, c_loc(c_fullpath), len(fullpath)+1) == 0) then
            get_module_path = .false.
            i = index(c_fullpath, c_null_char)
            fullpath = c_fullpath(1:i-1)
            get_module_path = .true.
        end if
    end function get_module_path

end module dllpath

Things tend to be messy because we need to pass valid C strings into these procedures.  I've tried to isolate them, though.  To use this in a routine, you would need first to use the proper modules:

use dllpath
use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr     ! Needed for holding a handle to our DLL

Next, you need to declare some variables to fill in with values:

    character(2048)::path    ! Probably long enough
    type(c_ptr)::hMod        ! A handle to our module

And finally, to get the info, we first request the DLL handle using just the base name of the DLL and then pass the handle to the routine to get the path:

    hMod = get_dll_handle("my_library.dll")
    if(.not. c_associated(hMod)) then
        Print *, "no handle"
    end if
    if(get_module_path(hMod, path)) then
        Print *, path
        Print *, "no path"
    end if

Again, it isn't a simple process because you need the operating system's help to determine where a DLL is located.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

3 (edited by Gale 2024-02-27 01:59:46)

Re: Incorrect working directory for DLL

jeff wrote:

That's a tricky one.  The working directory is not necessarily the directory where a DLL is located.  It gets more complicated, though.  The DLL's location is a bit difficult to determine from inside the DLL itself since these libraries can be loaded from anywhere, in theory.  Getting the path of the executable is usually easier, but we can locate the DLL's path using a chain of Windows API calls.

We can use a combination of Windows calls to GetModuleHandleEx and GetModuleFileName to pull this off.  Here's a module that wraps them nicely.

Thanks a lot, Jeff god. It really works well.