Topic: SF v3.35 Build: 4221

Hi Jeff,

FYI, on my Windows 10 PC, the SF v3.35 nstaller is not working.  It just displays garbage.  The SF v3.35 zip file downloads okay.

Also I'm having difficulty saving zip source code in the SF developer.  The save zip menu opens and it appears that the source is being saved but no zip file is found (only tried v3.34). This only appears to occur when their are more than 80 source files in the project. Lesser projects zip the source just fine. Is their a limit to the number of source files that can be zipped?


Re: SF v3.35 Build: 4221


Can you try the installer download again?  Some browsers (Chrome, apparently...) seem to ignore the file type details on Windows.  I've changed it in the distribution network, so hopefully it works now.

I just tried exporting a project with 667 files, and it seemed to work.  However, it did seem to improperly store directories.  The paths of the files were all mangled.  My guess is there is a bug in the current zip functionality. I'll have a look today.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: SF v3.35 Build: 4221

Quick update: there is a memory violation in the zip file creation that is probably causing the corruption.  We'll get some bug fixes out soon.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: SF v3.35 Build: 4221


SF v3.35 now downloads as expected using a Firefox browser in MS Windows 10.

Thank you for looking into the SF zip functionality.  I look forward to the fix once it becomes available.


Re: SF v3.35 Build: 4221

Another update: there were actually two bugs in the export to zip operations.  First, as I mentioned earlier, there was an attempt to access a list of files to export after the data was freed.  This access was particularly dangerous because, further on, no checks were present to see if the files listed were valid.  Oddly, this memory issue wasn't causing Simply Fortran to crash, only to create corrupted zip files.

Second, the zip library would fail to generate a zip file at all if it ran into trouble reading a file.  Simply Fortran wouldn't report this, which isn't ideal.  The real problem, though, is that the zip library considers including files with zero bytes a "read error," causing the entire zip process to fail.  If your project happened to include an empty file, a zip file would not be created.

I've fixed both issues, and bug fix builds should be released tomorrow.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC