Topic: AppGraphics Drop Down List getdropdownlisttext function not working
I have a problem with getdropdownlisttext function causing program to stop and return to the IDE.
I have a similar problem with MultilineTextBoxes, but I will do a seperate post for that. All the other Appgraphics controls are working fine for me.
Here is an example
! AppGraphics Drop Down Lists example
program DropDownList
use Appgraphics
implicit none
integer :: winMain
integer :: ddlId, ddlEntries
subroutine ddlCallBack()
end subroutine ddlCallBack
end interface
write(*,*) "Drop Down List Test"
winMain = initwindow(800, 600, title="App Graphics Drop Down List", closeflag=.TRUE.)
call setbkcolor(LIGHTGRAY)
call clearviewport
!! create a dropdown list
ddlId = createdropdownlist(50, 50, 300, 300, ddlCallBack)
ddlEntries = insertdropdownlistentry(ddlId, -1, "1 first item" )
ddlEntries = insertdropdownlistentry(ddlId, -1, "2 second time" )
ddlEntries = insertdropdownlistentry(ddlId, -1, "3 try again" )
ddlEntries = insertdropdownlistentry(ddlId, -1, "4 one more" )
ddlEntries = insertdropdownlistentry(ddlId, -1, "5 another one to go" )
ddlEntries = insertdropdownlistentry(ddlId, -1, "6 final entry" )
call loop()
call closewindow(winMain)
end program DropDownList
subroutine ddlCallBack()
use Appgraphics
implicit none
character(len=5) :: txt ! for numeric to integer string conversion
character(len=50) :: ddlSelText ! to hold the selected line of text
integer :: ddlSel, TextLen, ListId
ListId = getcallbackcontrolid()
! check that we get the correct line number
ddlSel = getdropdownlistselection(ListId) !! zero based
write(txt, '(i5)' ) ddlSel
call dlgmessage(DIALOG_INFO, " got ddl Selection (zero based) " // txt)
! now get the actual text from that line
TextLen = getdropdownlisttext(ListId, ddlSel, ddlSelText) !***** this is where it crashes
! check that the length returned makes sense
write(txt, '(i15)' ) TextLen
call dlgmessage(DIALOG_INFO, " got TextLen " // txt )
! display the line selected
call dlgmessage(DIALOG_INFO, " drop down item selected " // ddlSelText)
end subroutine ddlCallBack
When the program gets to the TextLen = .... line then is just stops and returns to the IDE.
I cant seem to run debug on Appgraphics, a black window opens and the spinner goes around indicating it is doing something, and nothing happens. That is why I put in the dialog boxe messages to see what is going on.
If I comment out the TextLen = .... line then the program runs, but of course the messages are invalid.
Any ideas ? Why is it only drop down lists that give me this problem ?
I am using SF 3.38 build 4333 and GNU Fortran 14.1.0 on a Windows 10 desktop
Thanks, Robert