Topic: Simply F 2.4 and then older version
I have been using SF for a while, no problems. Installed SF 2.4 and I don't think it carried over my project settings -- it didn't compile. Now, when I do a clean on either version, it goes so far and then:
rm -f "build\PlantBoilersSteam.o" "modules\boilersteam.mod"
rm -f "build\PlantCen"hatl"almnw\s" sddlubcor "vsWtmtmel.wpl.W"Al"rluuue .gadoRadiantSystemLowTeoaogaseirModelCrossVent.o" "modules\crossventmgr.mod"
rm -f "blRecet"ls\displa"mofdreud\odc edTdofearutlpm erfm"muicdl\lueP
is there a workaround here?