Topic: Questions from a (SF-)beginner
After more than 30 years in aerodynamics, developing and using CFD tools, I retired recently and now want to reanimate some F77-codes which I had written and used originally under Linux. Looking for a "low-cost" Fortran development tool for Windows I found Simply Fortran - and to date, I really like it.
Now I have three questions (I am using version 2.6 Build 1470 under Windows 8):
1. (the simple one):
is there an option (in the editor) to "just" compile a single modified source code without clicking "Build now!" ?
2. (another simple one):
after having modified a number of source files from the project list, the editor panels indicate unsaved alterations by this little icon. If I now do a File/Exit I get the (very useful) warning that there are unsaved changes. First idea of course is to do Project/Save Project, but obviously that does not include a save on all source files. The tedious way is to activate each editor panel individually and do File/Save. I noticed that a "Build Now! will also save all sources so that I can exit without warning. Is there something like an option "Save All Sources" or the possibility to select multiple source files from the project panel to which File/Save will apply ?
3. (the complex one):
I would like to enhance my codes with a GUI (which I never managed to do under Linux). After browsing a bit in your forum I came across DISLIN, which seems to be just right for my purpose, including the plotting capabilities. On the DISLIN homepage several versions are offered for download, I picked (64 bit), unpacked it, ran their setup.exe and set the environment variable DISLIN accordingly.
I did search the forum for DISLIN usage but find the information rather scattered. Is there a documentation about what has to be done further to be able to use DISLIN (not signing up to your package server to begin with) ?