Topic: option for compiler

I would like to compile and run my code such as all the variables in the subroutines are saved (since the code was written without adding the command in all the subroutines and there are many of these). Which command should I use and how to use it?

Re: option for compiler


You'll want to use the Fortran compiler flag:


To do so, you'll need to open the Project Options window by selecting "Options..." from the Project menu.  Next, go to the "Compiler Flags" tag and enter the flag above under "Fortran."  Click Ok, and your project should now treat all local variables as if the SAVE attribute was used.

Note that, after changing project options, you'll probably want to "Clean" (in the Build menu) before building your project.  All files will need to be recompiled with the new flag added.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: option for compiler

thank you. If i want to have two different special command can i just write:
-fno-automatic -fdefault-real-8

for example. or is there another syntax that needs to be used?


Re: option for compiler


Having more than one flag

-fno-automatic -fdefault-real-8

will work fine.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC