When the "Project Console" window opens and the cursor is just blinking, it means your program, target.exe, is actually running. If you expect to see some output at some point, there may be something wrong in your code. If you close this window using the "X" in the upper right, it should kill the process.
If the process is not being killed or if it is somehow spawning multiple copies of itself (which I doubt), there still may be something wrong with your code. You said that there were three "target.exe" programs in the Task Manager. Is there a chance that these were from earlier attempts to run your code?
When the "External Console" option is selected in Launch Options, Simply Fortran just asks Windows to execute your program in a Command Window, nothing more. When in a external console, Simply Fortran releases control of the executable entirely; it is no longer controlling the process. It is actually executing a batch file via cmd.exe that contains only your executable and a "pause" statement. If the process is not being killed when you close the "Project Console" window, it means something serious is causing your program to fail to terminate, which I find doubtful. I would more likely guess that the target.exe processes that you're seeing in the task manager are some sort of legacy launch attempts.
Could you either post here or send the source code for Test99.f95 to so I can try to replicate the problem? I can't explain why you'd be seeing this behavior without seeing the source code.
Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC