Topic: Setting Up and Using AppGraphics
I am looking at the addition of the AppGraphics package as something that I can use to build a simple GUI interface for my FORTRAN project. I noted that the package management SW requires a subscription and since my project is just a hobby, I really can't justify the cost of that management package.
Can someone help me with some directions on how to extract and install this package and other related dependent packages into my SimplyFortran environment so that I can begin to use these calls to build a GUI? Feeling like not the brightest bulb in the box about this but searching the forum didn't really turn up anything that helps with getting these packages included in SF (Although I could have missed it as my wife claims I have man's disease, "not seeing what is right in front of your face").
Jeff's interface that was recently put up on the development blog looks like a great starting point for what I would like to build.
Thanks in advance!