That makes sense. Thanks, Jeff!
I later found out the example in NLopt website is written in fortram 77
But changing the extension of test.f90 into test.f does not work.
The following question might be a bit off of the original theme and may sound stupid, since it's likely to be caused by my infamilarity with Fortran 77 language.
So here is the test. f file, with 6 indents for every line:
program main
external myfunc, myconstraint
double precision lb(2)
integer*8 opt
double precision d1(2), d2(2)
double precision x(2), minf
integer ires
include 'nlopt.f'
call nlo_create(opt, NLOPT_LD_MMA, 2)
call nlo_get_lower_bounds(ires, opt, lb)
lb(2) = 0.0
call nlo_set_lower_bounds(ires, opt, lb)
call nlo_set_min_objective(ires, opt, myfunc, 0)
d1(1) = 2.
d1(2) = 0.
call nlo_add_inequality_constraint(ires, opt, myconstraint,
$ d1, 1.D-8)
d2(1) = -1.
d2(2) = 1.
call nlo_add_inequality_constraint(ires, opt, myconstraint,
$ d2, 1.D-8)
call nlo_set_xtol_rel(ires, opt, 1.D-4)
x(1) = 1.234
x(2) = 5.678
call nlo_optimize(ires, opt, x, minf)
if ( then
write(*,*) 'nlopt failed!'
write(*,*) 'found min at ', x(1), x(2)
write(*,*) 'min val = ', minf
call nlo_destroy(opt)
subroutine myfunc(val, n, x, grad, need_gradient, f_data)
double precision val, x(n), grad(n)
integer n, need_gradient
if ( then
grad(1) = 0.0
grad(2) = 0.5 / dsqrt(x(2))
val = dsqrt(x(2))
subroutine myconstraint(val, n, x, grad, need_gradient, d)
integer need_gradient
double precision val, x(n), grad(n), d(2), a, b
a = d(1)
b = d(2)
if ( then
grad(1) = 3. * a * (a*x(1) + b)**2
grad(2) = -1.0
val = (a*x(1) + b)**3 - x(2)
I compile it with libnlopt-0.def, libnlopt-0.dll, nlopt.f (disabled) and test.f under the project and receives such info:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran\mingw-w64\bin\gfortran.exe" -c -o "build\test.o" -g -m32 -Jmodules ".\test.f"
call nlo_add_inequality_constraint(ires, opt, myconstraint, d1, 1.
Error: Syntax error in argument list at (1)
call nlo_add_inequality_constraint(ires, opt, myconstraint, d2, 1.
Error: Syntax error in argument list at (1)
Error(E42): Last command making (build\test.o) returned a bad status
Error(E02): Make execution terminated
This seems weird as (i) it's a copied code from website (ii) it matches the format requirement in the reference
call nlo_add_inequality_constraint(ires, opt, fc, fc_data, tol)
I doubt there's some stupid error there, and I would sincerely appreciate if you can have a look at that!