Topic: Library Creation Problem

I am trying to build a large library from 5463 object files and it fails with the following error message.

Generating OpenCascade.a
The filename or extension is too long.

Error(E42): Last command making (OpenCascade.a) returned a bad status
Error(E02): Make execution terminated

* Failed *

Is there any way to get around this or do I have to split it down into a series of smaller libraries.


Dave Swabey

Re: Library Creation Problem


I'm guessing the command line for the library archiver in the makefile is too long to process.  I'll have to look into the issue.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: Library Creation Problem

Thanks for the response

I managed to build the library using a manual command using a wild card in the object string "build/*.o"

Dave Swabey