1 (edited by JohnWasilewski 2016-06-16 07:02:49)

Topic: RPi/Linux Error(F38): (./build32/sf_default_resource.res)

Can anyone suggest what has happened here?
(Please see the last line).

This is on an RPi

It seems to be something to do with icon images.
I found these lines in the Makefile:
    @echo Deleting default icon resource
    @$(RM) "./build32/sf_default_resource.res"

Has some debris been left in the .prj file, I wonder, from when I built this project in Windows?  The RPi version of SF has no facility for including a program icon.

Generating Makefile... Okay
Compiling Source/MODULES/mParams.for
Compiling Source/MODULES/mRestr.for
Compiling Source/MODULES/mM.for
Compiling Source/addlod.for
Compiling Source/addmem.for
Compiling Source/addspr.for
Compiling Source/MODULES/mWinSTUFF.for
Compiling Source/MODULES/mMaterials.for
Compiling Source/MODULES/mProps.for
Compiling Source/MODULES/mNODES.for
Compiling Source/MODULES/mMEMBS.for
Compiling Source/MODULES/mLoading.for
Compiling Source/Alloc.for
Compiling Source/BailOut.for
Compiling Source/MODULES/mDRW.for
Compiling Source/ClearAllData.for
Compiling Source/Debug.for
Compiling Source/Decifr.for
Compiling Source/Divide.for
Compiling Source/dotty.for
Compiling Source/Draw.for
Compiling Source/FileHandler.for
Compiling Source/force.for
Compiling Source/getmem.for
Compiling Source/GetRESTR.for
Compiling Source/INSTRUCT.for
Compiling Source/List.for
Compiling Source/LoadTypN.for
Compiling Source/LoadTypP.for
Compiling Source/LoadTypS.for
Compiling Source/LoadTypT.for
Compiling Source/LoadTypU.for
Compiling Source/LoadVec.for
Compiling Source/MemRel.for
Compiling Source/memstf.for
Compiling Source/MODULES/mResults.for
Compiling Source/Output1Lcases.for
Compiling Source/Output2Lcombs.for
Compiling Source/ParsePath.for
Compiling Source/rcode.for
Compiling Source/rCombs.for
Compiling Source/ReadMATLS.for
Compiling Source/ReadMEMBS.for
Compiling Source/ReadNODES.for
Compiling Source/ReadPARAMS.for
Compiling Source/ReadPROPS.for
Compiling Source/ReadRESTR.for
Compiling Source/ReadSPRI.for
Compiling Source/rLoads.for
Compiling Source/rMatls.for
Compiling Source/rMembs.for
Compiling Source/rNodes.for
Compiling Source/rotate.for
Compiling Source/rParams.for
Compiling Source/rProps.for
Compiling Source/rRestr.for
Compiling Source/rTitles.for
Compiling Source/RWCombs.for
Compiling Source/RWInput.for
Compiling Source/RWLoads.for
Compiling Source/skydia.for
Compiling Source/solve.for
Compiling Source/Splash.for
Compiling Source/Spreac.for
Compiling Source/sterm.for
Compiling Source/stiff.for
Compiling Source/Struct.for
Compiling Source/utility.for
Compiling Source/WinINIT.for
Compiling Source/WinMenus.for
Compiling Source/WinSCR.for
Error(F38): (./build32/sf_default_resource.res) does not exist and cannot be made from existing files
Error(E02): Make execution terminated

2 (edited by JohnWasilewski 2016-07-15 11:13:32)

Re: RPi/Linux Error(F38): (./build32/sf_default_resource.res)

I've had a peep at the .prj file, and I see that it does contain references to icons, as well as to Windows, even though this is not a Windows computer.  Is it necessary to re-create the .prj file when porting to another platform?  That would be quite hard work.

I have poked around inside the .prj file, and it does indeed look as if this is some kind of relic from when I added an icon to the project after I had first created it under Windoze, and there are other apparent leftovers in the .prj file from that inferior opsys.

I can't seem to see any way in 'Options' to correct this problem.

What I have done, however, is to hack the .prj file. 
By removing these strings (and it was necessary to remove BOTH), I managed to get rid of the reported error message:
    "Windows GUI": 1,

Re: RPi/Linux Error(F38): (./build32/sf_default_resource.res)


Thanks for pointing out this bug!  I didn't realize the Linux version would attempt to compile a resource file still.  I'll see that it's fixed.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: RPi/Linux Error(F38): (./build32/sf_default_resource.res)

I'm guessing that you'll have fixed this in all Linux versions, Jeff, noy just RPi.
I've just noticed that it was also the same in SF 64-bit Debian/Ubuntu ver.2.28.

I can't update this to 2.29 until later today, because the coffeee shop where my laptop and I are sitting blocks file downloads except in email attachments.  I thought I'd mentiuon this just in case you had only corrected the RPi version (which I don't for a minute think will be the case).

No reply needed.

Re: RPi/Linux Error(F38): (./build32/sf_default_resource.res)


It should be fixed in all versions.  Let me know if you see it again, though.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC