Topic: Updated my SF to Ver. 2.30 build 2276, AppGraphics program ill behaved
Hi All,
I started a new thread from the one the other day since this is a different issue. In that previuos thread, Jeff suggested updating my SF package and so after some deliberation, I decided to try. I have had to work on other projects in the last day and they all behave properly but they are not AppGraphics code.
My AppGraphics application when recompiled I notice some different behaviors. It was easy to adjust the fonts as perhaps the defaults were changed. However, one thing I have been struggling with is that the function buttons I create to control the features of the plotting now appear and disappear in ways that I have not completely characterized.
Previously I have shared the screen shot of this application ( and there are four areas within the created window that have activity. There are two large plotting areas where the data is plotted, there is the control are on top and then a text informational area in the middle.
What happens when the program starts is that all the control buttons (with the exception of the Pause and Reverse buttons) are invisible. Note that even though invisible, the area around the button is still active and will complete the desired action for that individual button. If i wait a few (several in some cases) seconds or if I move the entire window, all the buttons will appear and stay. They will stay only until one of the zoom-in or zoom-out buttons buttons is pushed; then they disappear for a while (indetermined). If I move the window all will return again.
Note too that some of the buttons show the "pushed" action and some do not but all function as to their actions when pushed.
I have tried a number of things in the last couple of days and have cleaned the code up some. However, in all honesty, I only vaguely understand what the actions of some of the AppGraphics commands do and I am not sure my program is structured in way that AppGraphics expects. Recall, I hacked this code together using your example code.
If any of this rings a bell with anyone, help would be appreciated. I can live with the current behavior but it is not ideal.
Note too that all the behaviors above are new with the new SF version. I did have some odd behavior in the past versions but nothing that I couldn't live with.