Topic: console pane in linux

Using openSUSE Leap 42.2 (KDE), the console window does not have scroll bars.  You can scroll using the mouse wheel, but scrollbars would be helpful. 

A related issue is the inability to specify/change the maximum number of lines that are available for scrolling in the console pane.  It seems to be about 500, which is too short for many of my problems.

Re: console pane in linux

I'll look into the issue.  Odd that the console window wouldn't have scrollbars.  I'll see if a setting can be added concerning buffer size.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: console pane in linux


I have been meaning to report that the lack of scrollbars is not unique to OpenSUSE Leap.  I have SF on a ARM based Ubuntu machine and the console pane does not have scrollbars either.  Not sure if this is a "new" feature or that I just never noticed it before.  The Ubuntu box is running version 2.29 build 2229 and the OpenSUSE machine is the current release.

Re: console pane in linux

You're absolutely correct.  The console tab doesn't have scrollbars on any Linux distribution or macOS.  The issue is simply a missed detail on our GTK+ version.  Fixing it, though, is not quite straightforward because of the way Simply Fortran handles tab contents.  Basically Simply Fortran is assuming the tab contains the terminal  widget, but it actually needs to contain some type of GtkContainer that contains the terminal widget and its scrollbar.  The change would affect how Simply Fortran communicates with its terminal. It's a big enough change that it couldn't be shoehorned into the latest release, but it will make it into 2.35.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: console pane in linux

This bug has been fixed in the development version, and there is a setting for number of lines to be buffered.  It should appear in 2.35.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC