Topic: "Syntax and indexing" do not auto (suggestion)

Thanks for such a good and simple fortran IDE.
I want to recommend that "Syntax and indexing" should not autorun but could be controlled manually.
Or, to set an autorun limit based on the number of source files (N) in project, such as N>10 files.

Best regards.

Re: "Syntax and indexing" do not auto (suggestion)


Syntax checking can be disabled in the Options menu easily (or via the F10 key).  Indexing, on the other hand, is entirely necessary for the development environment to function.  Indexing not only parses the files for displaying outlines of files, searching for program elements, etc., but also computes Fortran module dependencies.  Without the dependency calculations, the IDE simply couldn't reliably compile Fortran 90 and higher projects.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC