Topic: Makefile-related malfunction

SF 2.36/2416
Windows 8
SSD with plenty of spare capacity
Running SF as an Administrator

I started SF this morning and it opened a project. 
I then used the menu to opened a different existing project.
I build 64-bit and 32-bit versions of my projects in the same folder, which I do by including "32" and "64" in the names of the applicable '.prj' files and Makefiles and of the corresponding modules and build folders.  This was the 64-bit version I was trying to work on, which I think relevant only because of a comparison I mention below that I was able to make of the existing Makefile and the one I had generated when all of the following happened.

This error appeared:

A severe internal error occurred whilst creating the Makefile.
Please report this issue (SEH) to

I then tried to 'Clean' the project, which generated another error, then I tried again to clean it, also unsuccessfully.  I then shut down SF and re-started it, re-loaded the same project, and again tried to 'Clean' it.  When this failed I tried to 'Build' the project.  During these attempts, the following errors all appeared.  I am sorry but I failed to keep a precise note of which of them appeared at which stages in what I describe above that I did.   

Warning(W39): Target (clean) not mentioned in any makefile
Error(F38): (clean) does not exist and cannot be made from existing files
Error(E02): Make execution terminated

* Failed *
Error(E32): Opening file (Makefile64): Permission denied
Error(E02): Make execution terminated

* Failed *
Generating Makefile... Okay

An error occurred whilst writing the Makefile.
Please check permissions and Makefile settings

After all of the above, I again shut down SF, then went to the project folder in my Windows directory structure and ran the 'Take Ownership' utility.

On re-starting SF, the same project auto-reopened.
I did NOT then manually re-open it but I checked that it was the same project as before, which it was.  When I tried to 'Clean' it, I received this message in the Build-status pane:

An error has occurred during build.
    The project directory could not be determined.

I then re-opened the same project and again tried 'Clean', with this result:

Warning(W39): Target (clean) not mentioned in any makefile
Error(F38): (clean) does not exist and cannot be made from existing files
Error(E02): Make execution terminated

* Failed *

I then shut down SF again and looked at the project folder.  I saw that the Makefile, "Makefile64", was there, and its date and time showed it had just been created.  What I also noticed was that it was very short, compared with the 32-bit Makefile, "Makefile32", which I had not touched during all of the palaver described above.  Makefile32 was 31860 bytes, whereas Makefile64, just created, was 484 bytes.

Here is what Makefile64 contained (the whole file, which I noted was just 12 lines long):

# Automagically generated by Approximatrix Simply Fortran 2.36
FC="C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\mingw-w64\bin\gfortran.exe"
CC="C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\mingw-w64\bin\gcc.exe"
AR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\mingw-w64\bin\ar.exe"
WRC="C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\mingw-w64\bin\windres.exe"
RM=rm -f

IDIR=-IC:/Users/jwasilewski/AppData/Local/sfpm/64/include -IC:/Users/jwasilewski/DEV/Fortran/IoLibWin/modules64 


  Here is what Makefile32 contained (not the whole file, just the first 33 out of 505 lines, which should be enough of it to show what should have come next in Makefile64):

# Automagically generated by Approximatrix Simply Fortran 2.22
FC="C:\Program Files (x86)\Fortran\SF2\mingw-w64\bin\gfortran.exe"
CC="C:\Program Files (x86)\Fortran\SF2\mingw-w64\bin\gcc.exe"
AR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Fortran\SF2\mingw-w64\bin\ar.exe"
RM=rm -f

IDIR=-IC:/Users/jwasilewski/AppData/Local///sfpm/32/include -IC:/Users/jwasilewski/DEV/Fortran/IoLibWin/modules32 

LDIR=-LC:/Users/jwasilewski/DEV/Fortran/IoLibWin -LC:/Users/jwasilewski/AppData/Local///sfpm/32/lib 

OPTFLAGS= -g -pg


RCFLAGS=-O coff -F pe-i386

PRJ_FFLAGS=-fdollar-ok -cpp


PRJ_LFLAGS=-ldis -luser32 -lgdi32 -lopengl32 -lioLibWin32.SF -lwfdialogs -lcomdlg32 -lcomctl32 -lole32



".\build32\addlod.o": ".\Source\addlod.for" ".\modules32\params.mod" ".\modules32\restraints.mod" ".\modules32\m.mod"
    @echo Compiling .\Source\addlod.for
    @$(FC) -c -o ".\build32\addlod.o" $(FFLAGS) ".\Source\addlod.for"

I haven't yet solved this problem, though I expect I can do.  I'm finishing this report at this point only because my train journey into London is just about to end.

Re: Makefile-related malfunction


The important error here is:

A severe internal error occurred whilst creating the Makefile.
Please report this issue (SEH) to

The other symptoms are caused by this initial error, which is a "Structured Exception Handling" (SEH) safety catch.  Most likely, Windows intercepted a memory access violation during Makefile construction.  When this error was thrown, it was indicating that the Makefile was never properly created.  Attempting to Clean after this error will fail because the Makefile either doesn't exist or wasn't properly created.  The bad file permissions were probably caused by Simply Fortran's failure to close the file after encountering the issue (Simply Fortran indeed doesn't close the file within the exception handler, which is possibly bad).

If you can delete the problem Makefile, Makefile64 in your case, you should be able to:

1. Load the project
2. Click Generate Makefile in the Build menu
3. Proceed as normal

If the above doesn't work, there may be some residual permissions errors.

Based on what had been written to the file, the list of library search directories caused the exception to be thrown.  That part of Simply Fortran has been historically problematic.  I'll have another look, and we might have to rework how the directories are handled.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: Makefile-related malfunction

The aberrant behaviour I reported earlier seems a little worse than I thought.
I've only just now managed to get back to this problem, but here is what I did, and how SF responded:

I deleted the Makefile from outside SF.
I then tried re-running SF and using both Build and Clean.
They both produced the same errors as before.

I exited from SF and deleted the Makefile again.
I then re-ran SF and loaded the project.
Without touching the project, I tried Build>Generate Makefile.
This produced the illogical error msg, "Please save the Project before proceeding"
(illogical because I had nottouched the project).

I clicked OK and then tried Project>Save.
This produced, needlessly, a SAVE-AS dialog
(needless, because I had nottouched the project I had opened).

I cancelled the SAVE-AS, shut down SF, and repeated all of the above.
The behaviour was exactly the same.  It would not generate a Makefile unless I SAVEd the very project I'd just opened, and SF escalated the SAVE command to a SAVE-AS dialog.

I selected the current project title in the SAVE-AS dialog, and OK'd the SAVE.
I then checked the directory to see what had changed.
The only change was a new .prj file.  There was still no Makefile, since I last deleted it.

I now found that I had an empty project.
That is, all source files were missing from the project list, and all Project Options were erased.
Not a disaster, but a REAL nuisance.  Adding back the source files isn't too hard but the Project Options are a pain to reconstruct because they're complicated, so hard to remember, and they need to be very precise.

SUGGESTION: Could you insert an option for SF to save backups of the .prj file, whenever it gets re-saved?

I'll post a further report as soon as I've repaired it all.

Re: Makefile-related malfunction

I was able to repair the project fairly quickly.  I did s because I remembered that I had a 32-bit .prj file as well as a .64 bit .prj file. so all I had to do was open the 32-bi version, chage a few parameters, and SAVE-AS to the 64-bit version.

Before I did this, I tried BUILDing the 32-bit project.  This gave the same 'SEH' error as I had received with the 64-bit project, at the start of this saga.

The solution eludes me at the moment.  I'll keep persevering though.

Re: Makefile-related malfunction


I don't know how or why your project file would be corrupted.  Did it appear as you'd expect when you loaded it but before you overwrote the file from the Save As dialog?

The SEH failure cannot be fixed on your end.  It was almost certainly caused by library search directories or, possibly, linker flags within the Project Options.  Again, it is purely an internal bug.

There is a new build, 2437, available now on the Download page that reworks how the development environment keeps track of library search directories.  It might possibly fix the problem.  If not, I might be able to troubleshoot if you send along the offending project file.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

6 (edited by JohnWasilewski 2017-05-26 09:30:57)

Re: Makefile-related malfunction

Thanks Jeff.

I'm downloading 2.37 now, and I'll let you know if that fixes the problem.

In the meantime:

(1)  In answer to your questyion, yes, the project looked completely normal each time I loaded it.

(2)  Here is a further report, which I tried a few times to send you yesterday, when you were having problems with the server:

Another clue
After I ran 'TakeOwnership' on the project directory, then retried SF on the project, this error appeared:

Assertion failed
child !=NULL, function json_insert_child, file..\src\json.c,line 481.

As I say, I'll post another report as soon as I've tried 2.37

7 (edited by JohnWasilewski 2017-05-26 11:02:21)

Re: Makefile-related malfunction

Using WinSF2.37/

Load the project : All looked normal.
Clean : failed.  I didn't note down the error but it was about there being nothing listed to clean.
Build>Create Makefile :  No response indicated (which might mean a Makefile has been built, silently).
Build the project : Crashed FWin with no message (or none I managed to see).

R-start SF
Load the project : all looked normal.
Build the project: Crashed FWin, with this message in the console:
Error launching "Wmake."  Code (-1)

R-start SF
Load the project : all looked normal.
Build the project:
Severe internal error whilst creating the Makefile.  Pls report SEH to Approximatrix.

Look at the Makefile with a text editor:

the version just created:

# Automagically generated by Approximatrix Simply Fortran 2.37
FC="C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\mingw-w64\bin\gfortran.exe"
CC="C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\mingw-w64\bin\gcc.exe"
AR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\mingw-w64\bin\ar.exe"
WRC="C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\mingw-w64\bin\windres.exe"
RM=rm -f

IDIR=-IC:/Users/jwasilewski/AppData/Local/sfpm/64/include -IC:/Users/jwasilewski/DEV/Fortran/IOlibWin/modules64 

# warning - directory error: ..\IoLibWin

OPTFLAGS= -g -pg



PRJ_FFLAGS=-fdollar-ok -cpp


PRJ_LFLAGS=-ldis -luser32 -lgdi32 -lopengl32 -lioLibWin64.SF -lwfdialogs -lcomdlg32 -lcomctl32 -lole32



"build64\addlod.o": ".\Source\addlod.for" "modules64\params.mod" "modules64\restraints.mod" "modules64\m.mod"
    @echo Compiling .\Source\addlod.for
    @$(FC) -c -o "build64\addlod.o" $(FFLAGS) ".\Source\addlod.for"

"build64\addmem.o": ".\Source\addmem.for" "modules64\params.mod" "modules64\restraints.mod" "modules64\m.mod"
    $(FC) -c -o "build64\addmem.o" $(FFLAGS) ".\Source\addmem.for"

"build64\addspr.o": ".\Source\addspr.for" "modules64\params.mod" "modules64\restraints.mod" "modules64\m.mod"
    $(FC) -c -o "build64\addspr.o" $(FFLAGS) ".\Source\addspr.for"

"build64\Alloc.o": ".\Source\Alloc.for" "modules64\winstuff.mod" "modules64\m.mod" "modules64\params.mod" "modules64\materials.mod" "modules64\properties.mod" "modules64\nodes.mod" "modules64\members.mod" "modules64\restraints.mod" "modules64\loading.mod"
    $(FC) -c -o "build64\Alloc.o" $(FFLAGS) ".\Source\Alloc.for"


"build64\WinSCR.o": ".\Source\WinSCR.for" "modules64\winstuff.mod" "modules64\params.mod" "modules64\materials.mod" "modules64\properties.mod" "modules64\nodes.mod" "modules64\members.mod" "modules64\restraints.mod" "modules64\loading.mod"
    $(FC) -c -o "build64\WinSCR.o" $(FFLAGS) ".\Source\WinSCR.for"

"build64\sf_default_resource.res": "build64\sf_default_resource.rc" ".\Icons\Icon32.ico"
    $(WRC) build64\sf_default_resource.rc $(RCFLAGS) -o build64\sf_default_resource.res

clean: .SYMBOLIC
    @echo Deleting build64\addlod.o and related files
    @$(RM) "build64\addlod.o"
    @echo Deleting build64\addmem.o and related files
    @$(RM) "build64\addmem.o"
    @echo Deleting build64\addspr.o and related files
    @$(RM) "build64\addspr.o"
    @echo Deleting build64\Alloc.o and related files
    @$(RM) "build64\Alloc.o"
    @echo Deleting build64\WinMenus.o and related files
    @$(RM) "build64\WinMenus.o"
    @echo Deleting build64\WinSCR.o and related files
    @$(RM) "build64\WinSCR.o"
    @echo Deleting default icon resource
    @$(RM) "build64\sf_default_resource.res"
    @echo Deleting Instruct64.SF.exe
    @$(RM) "Instruct64.SF.exe"

"Instruct64.SF.exe":  "build64\addlod.o" "build64\addmem.o" "build64\addspr.o" "build64\Alloc.o" "build64\BailOut.o" "build64\ClearAllData.o" "build64\Debug.o" "build64\Decifr.o" "build64\Divide.o" "build64\dotty.o" "build64\Draw.o" "build64\FileHandler.o" "build64\force.o" "build64\getmem.o" "build64\GetRESTR.o" "build64\INSTRUCT.o" "build64\List.o" "build64\LoadTypN.o" "build64\LoadTypP.o" "build64\LoadTypS.o" "build64\LoadTypT.o" "build64\LoadTypU.o" "build64\LoadVec.o" "build64\mDRW.o" "build64\MemRel.o" "build64\memstf.o" "build64\mLoading.o" "build64\mM.o" "build64\mMaterials.o" "build64\mMEMBS.o" "build64\mNODES.o" "build64\mParams.o" "build64\mProps.o" "build64\mRestr.o" "build64\mResults.o" "build64\mWinSTUFF.o" "build64\Output1Lcases.o" "build64\Output2Lcombs.o" "build64\ParsePath.o" "build64\rcode.o" "build64\rCombs.o" "build64\ReadMATLS.o" "build64\ReadMEMBS.o" "build64\ReadNODES.o" "build64\ReadPARAMS.o" "build64\ReadPROPS.o" "build64\ReadRESTR.o" "build64\ReadSPRI.o" "build64\rLoads.o" "build64\rMatls.o" "build64\rMembs.o" "build64\rNodes.o" "build64\rotate.o" "build64\rParams.o" "build64\rProps.o" "build64\rRestr.o" "build64\rTitles.o" "build64\RWCombs.o" "build64\RWInput.o" "build64\RWLoads.o" "build64\skydia.o" "build64\solve.o" "build64\Splash.o" "build64\Spreac.o" "build64\sterm.o" "build64\stiff.o" "build64\Struct.o" "build64\utility.o" "build64\WinINIT.o" "build64\WinMenus.o" "build64\WinSCR.o" "build64\sf_default_resource.res" "build64\Instruct(x64)"
    $(FC) -o "Instruct64.SF.exe" -static -pg -mwindows "build64\addlod.o" "build64\addmem.o" "build64\addspr.o" "build64\Alloc.o" "build64\BailOut.o" "build64\ClearAllData.o" "build64\Debug.o" "build64\Decifr.o" "build64\Divide.o" "build64\dotty.o" "build64\Draw.o" "build64\FileHandler.o" "build64\force.o" "build64\getmem.o" "build64\GetRESTR.o" "build64\INSTRUCT.o" "build64\List.o" "build64\LoadTypN.o" "build64\LoadTypP.o" "build64\LoadTypS.o" "build64\LoadTypT.o" "build64\LoadTypU.o" "build64\LoadVec.o" "build64\mDRW.o" "build64\MemRel.o" "build64\memstf.o" "build64\mLoading.o" "build64\mM.o" "build64\mMaterials.o" "build64\mMEMBS.o" "build64\mNODES.o" "build64\mParams.o" "build64\mProps.o" "build64\mRestr.o" "build64\mResults.o" "build64\mWinSTUFF.o" "build64\Output1Lcases.o" "build64\Output2Lcombs.o" "build64\ParsePath.o" "build64\rcode.o" "build64\rCombs.o" "build64\ReadMATLS.o" "build64\ReadMEMBS.o" "build64\ReadNODES.o" "build64\ReadPARAMS.o" "build64\ReadPROPS.o" "build64\ReadRESTR.o" "build64\ReadSPRI.o" "build64\rLoads.o" "build64\rMatls.o" "build64\rMembs.o" "build64\rNodes.o" "build64\rotate.o" "build64\rParams.o" "build64\rProps.o" "build64\rRestr.o" "build64\rTitles.o" "build64\RWCombs.o" "build64\RWInput.o" "build64\RWLoads.o" "build64\skydia.o" "build64\solve.o" "build64\Splash.o" "build64\Spreac.o" "build64\sterm.o" "build64\stiff.o" "build64\Struct.o" "build64\utility.o" "build64\WinINIT.o" "build64\WinMenus.o" "build64\WinSCR.o" "build64\sf_default_resource.res" $(LDIR) $(PRJ_LFLAGS)

all: "Instruct64.SF.exe" .SYMBOLIC

Compare this with a Makefile I have not touched since it last worked OK, for the 32-bit version:

# Automagically generated by Approximatrix Simply Fortran 2.16
FC="C:\Program Files\Fortran\SF2\mingw-w64\bin\gfortran.exe"
CC="C:\Program Files\Fortran\SF2\mingw-w64\bin\gcc.exe"
AR="C:\Program Files\Fortran\SF2\mingw-w64\bin\ar.exe"
RM=rm -f

IDIR=-IC:/Users/John/DEV/Fortran/SF-Packages/32/include -IC:/Users/John/DEV/Fortran/IoLibWin/modules32 

LDIR=-LC:/Users/John/DEV/Fortran/IoLibWin -LC:/Users/John/DEV/Fortran/SF-Packages/32/lib 

OPTFLAGS= -g -pg


RCFLAGS=-O coff -F pe-i386

PRJ_FFLAGS=-fdollar-ok -cpp


PRJ_LFLAGS=-ldis -luser32 -lgdi32 -lopengl32 -lioLibWin32.SF



".\build32\addlod.o": ".\Source\addlod.for" ".\modules32\params.mod" ".\modules32\restraints.mod" ".\modules32\m.mod"
    @echo Compiling .\Source\addlod.for
    @$(FC) -c -o ".\build32\addlod.o" $(FFLAGS) ".\Source\addlod.for"

".\build32\addmem.o": ".\Source\addmem.for" ".\modules32\params.mod" ".\modules32\restraints.mod" ".\modules32\m.mod"
    @echo Compiling .\Source\addmem.for
    @$(FC) -c -o ".\build32\addmem.o" $(FFLAGS) ".\Source\addmem.for"

".\build32\addspr.o": ".\Source\addspr.for" ".\modules32\params.mod" ".\modules32\restraints.mod" ".\modules32\m.mod"
    @echo Compiling .\Source\addspr.for
    @$(FC) -c -o ".\build32\addspr.o" $(FFLAGS) ".\Source\addspr.for"

".\build32\Alloc.o": ".\Source\Alloc.for" ".\modules32\winstuff.mod" ".\modules32\m.mod" ".\modules32\params.mod" ".\modules32\materials.mod" ".\modules32\properties.mod" ".\modules32\nodes.mod" ".\modules32\members.mod" ".\modules32\restraints.mod" ".\modules32\loading.mod"
    @echo Compiling .\Source\Alloc.for
    @$(FC) -c -o ".\build32\Alloc.o" $(FFLAGS) ".\Source\Alloc.for"
".\build32\default_icon.res": ".\Icons\Icon32.ico"
    @echo Processing icon
    @echo 1 ICON "./Icons/Icon32.ico" |$(WRC) $(RCFLAGS) -o ".\build32\default_icon.res"

clean: .SYMBOLIC
    @echo Deleting .\build32\addlod.o and related files
    @$(RM) ".\build32\addlod.o"
    @echo Deleting .\build32\addmem.o and related files
    @$(RM) ".\build32\addmem.o"
    @echo Deleting .\build32\addspr.o and related files
    @$(RM) ".\build32\addspr.o"
    @echo Deleting .\build32\Alloc.o and related files
    @$(RM) ".\build32\Alloc.o"
    @$(RM) ".\build32\WinINIT.o"
    @echo Deleting .\build32\WinMenus.o and related files
    @$(RM) ".\build32\WinMenus.o"
    @echo Deleting .\build32\WinSCR.o and related files
    @$(RM) ".\build32\WinSCR.o"
    @echo Deleting default icon resource
    @$(RM) ".\build32\default_icon.res"
    @echo Deleting Instruct32.SF.exe
    @$(RM) "Instruct32.SF.exe"

"Instruct32.SF.exe":  ".\build32\addlod.o" ".\build32\addmem.o" ".\build32\addspr.o" ".\build32\Alloc.o" ".\build32\BailOut.o" ".\build32\ClearAllData.o" ".\build32\Debug.o" ".\build32\Decifr.o" ".\build32\Divide.o" ".\build32\dotty.o" ".\build32\Draw.o" ".\build32\FileHandler.o" ".\build32\force.o" ".\build32\getmem.o" ".\build32\GetRESTR.o" ".\build32\INSTRUCT.o" ".\build32\List.o" ".\build32\LoadTypN.o" ".\build32\LoadTypP.o" ".\build32\LoadTypS.o" ".\build32\LoadTypU.o" ".\build32\LoadVec.o" ".\build32\mDRW.o" ".\build32\MemRel.o" ".\build32\memstf.o" ".\build32\mLoading.o" ".\build32\mM.o" ".\build32\mMaterials.o" ".\build32\mMEMBS.o" ".\build32\mNODES.o" ".\build32\mParams.o" ".\build32\mProps.o" ".\build32\mRestr.o" ".\build32\mResults.o" ".\build32\mWinSTUFF.o" ".\build32\OUTPUT1.o" ".\build32\OUTPUT2.o" ".\build32\ParsePath.o" ".\build32\rcode.o" ".\build32\rCombs.o" ".\build32\ReadMATLS.o" ".\build32\ReadMEMBS.o" ".\build32\ReadNODES.o" ".\build32\ReadPARAMS.o" ".\build32\ReadPROPS.o" ".\build32\ReadRESTR.o" ".\build32\ReadSPRI.o" ".\build32\rLoads.o" ".\build32\rMatls.o" ".\build32\rMembs.o" ".\build32\rNodes.o" ".\build32\rotate.o" ".\build32\rParams.o" ".\build32\rProps.o" ".\build32\rRestr.o" ".\build32\rTitles.o" ".\build32\RWCombs.o" ".\build32\RWInput.o" ".\build32\RWLoads.o" ".\build32\skydia.o" ".\build32\solve.o" ".\build32\Splash.o" ".\build32\Spreac.o" ".\build32\sterm.o" ".\build32\stiff.o" ".\build32\Struct.o" ".\build32\utility.o" ".\build32\WinINIT.o" ".\build32\WinMenus.o" ".\build32\WinSCR.o" ".\build32\default_icon.res"
    @echo Generating Instruct32.SF.exe
    @$(FC) -o "Instruct32.SF.exe" -static -m32 -pg -mwindows ".\build32\addlod.o" ".\build32\addmem.o" ".\build32\addspr.o" ".\build32\Alloc.o" ".\build32\BailOut.o" ".\build32\ClearAllData.o" ".\build32\Debug.o" ".\build32\Decifr.o" ".\build32\Divide.o" ".\build32\dotty.o" ".\build32\Draw.o" ".\build32\FileHandler.o" ".\build32\force.o" ".\build32\getmem.o" ".\build32\GetRESTR.o" ".\build32\INSTRUCT.o" ".\build32\List.o" ".\build32\LoadTypN.o" ".\build32\LoadTypP.o" ".\build32\LoadTypS.o" ".\build32\LoadTypU.o" ".\build32\LoadVec.o" ".\build32\mDRW.o" ".\build32\MemRel.o" ".\build32\memstf.o" ".\build32\mLoading.o" ".\build32\mM.o" ".\build32\mMaterials.o" ".\build32\mMEMBS.o" ".\build32\mNODES.o" ".\build32\mParams.o" ".\build32\mProps.o" ".\build32\mRestr.o" ".\build32\mResults.o" ".\build32\mWinSTUFF.o" ".\build32\OUTPUT1.o" ".\build32\OUTPUT2.o" ".\build32\ParsePath.o" ".\build32\rcode.o" ".\build32\rCombs.o" ".\build32\ReadMATLS.o" ".\build32\ReadMEMBS.o" ".\build32\ReadNODES.o" ".\build32\ReadPARAMS.o" ".\build32\ReadPROPS.o" ".\build32\ReadRESTR.o" ".\build32\ReadSPRI.o" ".\build32\rLoads.o" ".\build32\rMatls.o" ".\build32\rMembs.o" ".\build32\rNodes.o" ".\build32\rotate.o" ".\build32\rParams.o" ".\build32\rProps.o" ".\build32\rRestr.o" ".\build32\rTitles.o" ".\build32\RWCombs.o" ".\build32\RWInput.o" ".\build32\RWLoads.o" ".\build32\skydia.o" ".\build32\solve.o" ".\build32\Splash.o" ".\build32\Spreac.o" ".\build32\sterm.o" ".\build32\stiff.o" ".\build32\Struct.o" ".\build32\utility.o" ".\build32\WinINIT.o" ".\build32\WinMenus.o" ".\build32\WinSCR.o" ".\build32\default_icon.res" $(LDIR) $(PRJ_LFLAGS)

all: "Instruct32.SF.exe" .SYMBOLIC

So it seems (from just a quick look) as if the Makefile HAS BEEN successfully built.

From outside SF : Delete the Makefile
Re-start SF.
Load the project : All looks normal.
Build> Create Makefile: No response in the console.
From outside SF, check the project folder: the Makefile is there, a bit smaller than before.
View the Makefile in a text editor: Last few lines are the same as before, so it looks OK.
Alt-tab back to SF.

An error occured launching make.

* Error Launching "wmake" (Code -1) *

Check the project directory: the Makefile is still there, same length.
Build: Generating Makefile... Okay, then SEH error, and FWin crashed.

Look at the Makefile with a text editor: It now contains only this:

# Automagically generated by Approximatrix Simply Fortran 2.37

I note that line 4, where it failed, contains jibberish.

Re-start SF
Load the project: all looks normal.
Project>View Makefile: It shows the same truncated version as above.
Generate Makefile: No response at the Console.
At-tab to Windows, look at the Makefile: It's there, full length.
Alt-tab back to SF, View Makefile: It fails to display the new version, still shows the truncated one. 

* Error Launching "wmake" (Code -1) *  Check the project directory: the Makefile is still there, same length.
Build: Generating Makefile... Okay, then SEH error, and FWin crashed.

Look at the Makefile with a text editor: It now contains only this:

# Automagically generated by Approximatrix Simply Fortran 2.37

I note that line 4, where it failed, it agains contains jibberish - but different jibberish from last time.

Pack it up and make a coffee.  Sorry I can't offer you one!

Before I sign off, here's the InStruct(64).prj file, in case it helps:

    "Name":"+Instruct(x64) (Instruct64.SF.exe)",
        "Name":"-Include files",
        "Name":"+Module object files",
        "Name":"+Module source files",
        "Name":"+Program source files",
      "Name":"Dislin HELP",
      "Open Console":"0"
      "Name":"Dislin MANUAL",
      "Open Console":"0"
  "Name":"Instruct(x64) (Instruct64.SF.exe)",
    "Compiler Options":{
      "Link Flags":"-ldis -luser32 -lgdi32 -lopengl32 -lioLibWin64.SF -lwfdialogs -lcomdlg32 -lcomctl32 -lole32",
      "C Flags":"",
      "Fortran Flags":"-fdollar-ok"
    "Fortran Options":{
      "Cray Pointers":"false",
      "Runtime Diagnostics":"false",
      "Enable OpenMP":"false",
      "Use C Preprocessor":"true",
      "Default Double for Real":"false"
    "Code Generation Options":{
      "Optimization Mode":0,
      "Aggressive Loops":"false",
      "CPU Specific":"false"
    "Launch Options":{
      "Command Line Arguments":"",
      "External Console":"false",
      "Keep Console":"false",
      "Build Before Launch":"false",
      "Working Directory":""
    "Build Options":{
      "Auto Makefile":"true"
    "Build Dependencies":1,
    "Linker Options":{
      "Static Linking Mode":7
    "Windows GUI":1,
    "File Options":{
      "Module Directory":".\\modules64",
      "Library Directories":["../IoLibWin","Default Add-On Directory"],
      "Build Directory":".\\build64",
      "Include Directories":["Default Add-On Include Directory","..\\IOlibWin\\modules64"]


Re: Makefile-related malfunction


You're having far too many unrelated errors, and I'm not sure what's happening.  One by one:

Assertion failed
child !=NULL, function json_insert_child, file..\src\json.c,line 481.

You didn't really specify what you were doing when this occurred.  Were you loading a project file?

Crashed FWin, with this message in the console:
Error launching "Wmake."  Code (-1)

Did Simply Fortran crash after this appeared in the console, or did this message just appear?

An error occured launching make.

* Error Launching "wmake" (Code -1) *

The above message means that either:

1. Simply Fortran could not find wmake.exe because your settings have become somehow corrupted, a virus scanner deleted the file, etc.  Check "Make and Makefile" under the Options menu. or...

2.  Windows (or a virus scanner) is prohibiting wmake.exe from being executed at all.

Build: Generating Makefile... Okay, then SEH error, and FWin crashed.

So the message appeared in the Console, then Simply Fortran crashed entirely?

The nonsense appearing where your compiler settings should be suggests, again, that your settings have somehow become corrupted (which would explain why wmake won't launch).  Check to see what files are listed under "Compiler" in the Options menu.  It could be, though, that they are only corrupted in memory for some reason.

I would also suggest, for the time being, that you simply switch back to 2.36.  I don't know why you're seeing these problems, but I haven't been able to replicate the issue.  Again, you're seeing too many errors at once, which suggests something far bigger is wrong.  If you need a link to a 2.36 installer, let me know and I can provide it.

EDIT: One last question, do you have a virus scanner installed, and, if so, which one?

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: Makefile-related malfunction

Some quick checks:

Compiler options set to:
Fortran:       C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\mingw-w64\bin\gfortran.exe
C/C++:       C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\mingw-w64\bin\gcc.exe
Resources:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\mingw-w64\bin\windres.exe
AR location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\mingw-w64\bin\ar.exe
Both boxes ticked

Make options set to:
Makefile = C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\fwin\wmake.exe
Both boxes ticked.

Directory check reveals that wmake.exe is present, filesize =132,552, date=today

Here's a manual check on the file:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
(c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\jwasilewski>cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\fwin\

C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\fwin>wmake /?
Open Watcom Make Version 1.9 (Built on Sep 19 2014)
Portions Copyright (c) 1988-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.
See for details.
Usage  :  wmake [options]* [macro=text]* [target]*
Options:  ('/' may be substituted for '-', and '#' for '=')
-a make all targs (ignoring time stamp)  -b  block/ignore all implicit rules
-c do not check existence of files made  -d  debug mode (echo progress of work)
-e erase files after error (no prompt)   -g  allow interaction (Y/N questions)
-f <filename>  process filename instead of MAKEFILE ('-f -' means stdin)
-h do not print program header           -i  ignore command return status
-k continue after an error               -l <logfile>   output to logfile
-m do not read MAKEINIT file             -ms Microsoft NMAKE mode
-n print commands without executing      -o  take advantage of circular path
-p print the dependency tree, macro definitions, and extension information
-q query mode (commands not executed)    -r  ignore built-in definitions
-s silent mode (do not print commands)   -sn noisy mode (print all commands)
-t touch files (commands not executed)   -u  UNIX compatibility mode
-v verbose listing of inline files       -y  show why a target will be updated
-z do not erase files (no prompt)
macro=text      overrides the definition of 'macro' with the value 'text'
target          specifies a target to make (default is first target)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 2\fwin>

Virus checker is McAfee

I AM ABLE to compile/build other projects.
It's just my main project which is suddenly crashing SF.
I am not aware of anything I've changed.

I've just tried it again.  I loaded it and tried to Build.

Generating Makefile...OK
Failed to properly call Wmake.
Error launching "Wmake."  Code (-1).
Fwin crash.

Really odd!

Example of a project that SF can build
(I've just this mment run this.  Wmake seems to be working correctly):-

Generating Makefile... Okay
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       EQUIVALENCE (IS1,SF(4)) , (IS2,SF(6))                             SAP13360
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       EQUIVALENCE (IS1,SF(4)) , (IS2,SF(6))                             SAP13360
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       EQUIVALENCE (IS1,TT(4)) , (IS2,TT(6))                             SAP57210
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       EQUIVALENCE (IS1,TT(4)) , (IS2,TT(6))                             SAP57210
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       EQUIVALENCE (SXX(1),SMT(1)),(SYY(1),SMT(4)),(SXY(1),SMT(7))       SAP20170
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       EQUIVALENCE (SXX(1),SMT(1)),(SYY(1),SMT(4)),(SXY(1),SMT(7))       SAP20170
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       EQUIVALENCE (SXX(1),SMT(1)),(SYY(1),SMT(4)),(SXY(1),SMT(7))       SAP20170
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       EQUIVALENCE (EXX(1),EPS(1)),(EYY(1),EPS(4)),(GXY(1),EPS(7))       SAP64650
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       EQUIVALENCE (EXX(1),EPS(1)),(EYY(1),EPS(4)),(GXY(1),EPS(7))       SAP64650
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       EQUIVALENCE (EXX(1),EPS(1)),(EYY(1),EPS(4)),(GXY(1),EPS(7))       SAP64650
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

      1 (CM23,C(6)),(CM33,C(9))                                          SAP17220
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

      1 (CM23,C(6)),(CM33,C(9))                                          SAP17220
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       EQUIVALENCE (CM11,C(1)),(CM12,C(2)),(CM13,C(3)),(CM22,C(5)),      SAP17210
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       EQUIVALENCE (CM11,C(1)),(CM12,C(2)),(CM13,C(3)),(CM22,C(5)),      SAP17210
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       EQUIVALENCE (CM11,C(1)),(CM12,C(2)),(CM13,C(3)),(CM22,C(5)),      SAP17210
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       EQUIVALENCE (CM11,C(1)),(CM12,C(2)),(CM13,C(3)),(CM22,C(5)),      SAP17210
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       EQUIVALENCE (Q(1),ST(1))                                          SAP56460
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       EQUIVALENCE (Q(1),ST(1))                                          SAP56460
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       EQUIVALENCE (Q(1),ST(1))                                          SAP57920
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       EQUIVALENCE (Q(1),ST(1))                                          SAP57920
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)
Error(E42): Last command making (build\PCSPAP4.o) returned a bad status
Error(E02): Make execution terminated

* Failed *


Re: Makefile-related malfunction

Some of my other settings:

Fortran compiler: -fdollar-ok
C compiler: [blank]
Linker: -ldis -luser32 -lgdi32 -lopengl32 -lioLibWin64.SF -lwfdialogs -lcomdlg32 -lcomctl32 -lole32

Re: Makefile-related malfunction


Suddenly, after I have done NOTHING to the project, changed no code, changed no settings, uninstalled or reinstalled nothing, made no reboot, I have been able to load it and Clean it without error.  I am at a loss to explain why the previous errors did not occur this time.

However, on trying to Build, this same error returned:

Generating Makefile... Okay
Failed to properly call make

* Error Launching "wmake" (Code -1) *

There was, however, no crash.

Again, it has failed to call wmake properly, even though we know it' there where the SF settings say it is, and it works normally.

Re: Makefile-related malfunction

When trying to Clean a second time, I received a wmake error, then on trying to Build, my old friend SEH paid me another visit.

I then re-started SF, loaded the project and tried to clean, and another irksome lady appeared - someone I have not met before:

Makefile64(4): Error(F46): Illegal character value 03H in file
Error(E02): Make execution terminated

* Failed *


There's really something mad going on here.
I'll run a virus check next.

Re: Makefile-related malfunction

Virus check revealed one trojan and one PUP.  Both removed.
Also received a security update from my company, installed and rebootred.

Ran SF3.7, loaded the project, did a successful Clean.
Saved the project.
Exited from SF, re-started SF, re-loaded the project.
Tried to Build.  Failed:
Generating Makefile... Okay
Failed to properly call make

* Error Launching "wmake" (Code -1) *
I'll keep trying.

Re: Makefile-related malfunction


I've got a crash on my end now.  Give me a little time to sort out what's wrong.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: Makefile-related malfunction


Build 2440 is now available on the Download page that should fix the issue.  There was an uninitialized pointer in the code for creating the list of library and include directories that could trigger a memory violation if a project mentioned any folder other than the defaults.

There may still be a problem, but we'll tackle that next.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

16 (edited by JohnWasilewski 2017-05-28 18:51:59)

Re: Makefile-related malfunction

SF 2.37/2440
Windows 8
SSD with plenty of spare capacity
Running SF as an Administrator
Jeff, I take my hat off to you. SF must be immensely complicated, with all that the program must keep track of. So it is hardly surprising that an occasional insect crawls into the code, yet, true to form, you have found it and squelched it within hours.  Thank you.
I can confirm that the problem i reported has now gone.