Topic: Version 1.29, 64-bit Support, and Existing Users

I just wanted to leave a quick note about Version 1.29, which was released moments ago.  Simply Fortran is now shipping with a new GNU Fortran compiler that supports both 32-bit and 64-bit targets.  Users who have manually changed the paths to the compilers may need to use the "Restore Defaults..." function in Simply Fortran's Options menu to reset compiler paths to the new compiler's location. 

All existing projects in Simply Fortran are marked as 32-bit.  To recompile as a 64-bit application, users will need to open the project, open the Project Options dialog from the Options menu, and change the architecture appropriately.  Next, users will need to perform a "Clean" action, as all 32-bit compilation products will need to be reproduced.  Finally, performing a Build (assuming Automatically Regenerate Makefile is enabled in Project Options) will produce a 64-bit product.

Additionally, the GNU Fortran module format has changed once again.  Any existing support libraries that include modules will need to be recompiled.  This change may affect a number of users currently working with the DISLIN library.

If anyone has any questions or issue, feel free to post here or email

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC