Topic: Trouble Getting Started using Package Manager
I subscribed to Simply Fortran and the Package Manager a few days ago so this is a newbie question.
I wrote a Fortran program and add my own Module with no problem.
I'm having a problem though figuring out what I need to do to reference a package manager package that I installed.
I tried putting one's name in a USE statement in my program but I get the error that it does not see the Module in my project.
I tried the Module browser in the Simply Fortran IDE but if only sees the Moduels that I wrote.
I know that I need to somehow link my project to one of the installed modules but that's where I'm stuck.
I did not see a doc that talks about referencing modules that the package manage installs.
Does that require manually copy some to the installed Module files into my project folder?
If there is a link that documents this process that I have missed, that should get me started.