Topic: gdk_pixbuf_rotate
With cairo /gtk / gdk /pixbuf one has only gdk_pixbuf_rotate_simple which allows for pixbuf rotations with a multiple of 90 degrees.
I indeed have the need to ratate at any arbitrary angle. Searching for a solution I found a c function that does this:
Consequently a wrote a f-c-interface that to my opinion should work.
the fortran and c-files compile correctly, however the build process exits with error:
Generating Makefile... Okay
Compiling .\gdk_pixbuf_rotate.c
Processing default resource
Generating hl_viewer_devel.exe
build\hl_viewer.o:hl_viewer.f90:(.text+0x248f): undefined reference to `rotate'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Error: Last command making (hl_viewer_devel.exe) returned a bad status
Error: Make execution terminated
* Failed *
Fortran source:
module gdk_pixbuf_rotate
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
! GdkPixbuf *rotate(GdkPixbuf *src,double radian,int full_size)
function rotate(src,radian,full_size) bind (c)
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr),value :: src
type(c_ptr):: ret
real(c_float),value:: radian
integer(c_int),value :: full_size
type(c_ptr):: rotate
end function rotate
end interface
end module gdk_pixbuf_rotate
module v_handlers
use iso_c_binding
use gdk_events
use gdk_pixbuf_hl
use gtk_draw_hl
use gtk_sup
use gtk_hl
use gdk_pixbuf_rotate
! Gtk modules for hl_cairo_viewer.f90
use cairo, only: cairo_status, cairo_status_to_string
use gdk_pixbuf, only: gdk_pixbuf_get_height, gdk_pixbuf_get_width, &
& gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple, gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels, &
& gdk_pixbuf_add_alpha, gdk_pixbuf_rotate_simple
use gdk_pixbuf_hl
use gtk, only: gtk_combo_box_get_active, gtk_combo_box_set_active, &
& gtk_container_add, gtk_main, gtk_main_quit, gtk_widget_set_sensitive, &
& gtk_widget_show_all, gtk_init, TRUE, FALSE
implicit none
character(len=256), dimension(:), allocatable :: file_list
integer(kind=c_int) :: current_file
integer :: width = 800, height=1100;
type(c_ptr) :: tl_window, view, prev1000, prev500, prev100, prev50, prev10, prev5, prev1, next1, next5, next10, &
& next50, next100, next500, next1000, select
real, dimension (:,:), allocatable :: img_gray
real img_max, img_min
subroutine delete_v (widget, gdata) bind(c)
type(c_ptr), value :: widget, gdata
call gtk_main_quit
end subroutine delete_v
recursive subroutine show_image(widget, gdata) bind(c)
type(c_ptr), value :: widget, gdata
character(kind=c_char), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: pixel
integer(kind=c_int), pointer :: istep
integer(kind=c_int) :: nx, ny, nxe, nye, nch, i,j,fu, nrs
type(c_ptr) :: pixbuf, pixbuf_scaled
character(len=120) :: errm=''
real(kind=8) :: rx, ry, r;
integer(kind=1):: red, green, blue
if (.not. c_associated(view)) return
if (c_associated(gdata)) then
call c_f_pointer(gdata, istep)
current_file = current_file + istep
call gtk_combo_box_set_active(select, current_file)
current_file = gtk_combo_box_get_active(widget)
if (current_file < 0) return
end if
call gtk_widget_set_sensitive(prev1, f_c_logical(current_file > 0))
call gtk_widget_set_sensitive(prev5, f_c_logical(current_file > 4))
call gtk_widget_set_sensitive(prev10, f_c_logical(current_file > 9))
call gtk_widget_set_sensitive(prev50, f_c_logical(current_file > 49))
call gtk_widget_set_sensitive(prev100, f_c_logical(current_file > 99))
call gtk_widget_set_sensitive(prev500, f_c_logical(current_file > 499))
call gtk_widget_set_sensitive(prev1000, f_c_logical(current_file > 999))
call gtk_widget_set_sensitive(next1, f_c_logical(current_file < size(file_list)-1))
call gtk_widget_set_sensitive(next5, f_c_logical(current_file < size(file_list)-5))
call gtk_widget_set_sensitive(next10, f_c_logical(current_file < size(file_list)-10))
call gtk_widget_set_sensitive(next50, f_c_logical(current_file < size(file_list)-50))
call gtk_widget_set_sensitive(next100, f_c_logical(current_file < size(file_list)-100))
call gtk_widget_set_sensitive(next500, f_c_logical(current_file < size(file_list)-500))
call gtk_widget_set_sensitive(next1000, f_c_logical(current_file < size(file_list)-1000))
errm = ''
pixbuf = hl_gdk_pixbuf_new(trim(file_list(current_file+1))//c_null_char, &
& error=errm)
nch = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels(pixbuf)
nx = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(pixbuf)
ny = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pixbuf)
nrs = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(pixbuf)
if(nch.eq.3) then
pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_add_alpha(pixbuf,FALSE,red,green,blue)
nch = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels(pixbuf)
! open(newunit=fu,action='write',file='test.txt', status='replace')
! write(fu,*) 'nx:',nx
! write(fu,*) 'ny:',ny
! write(fu,*) '# channels:',nch
! write(fu,*) 'rowstride:',nrs
! close(fU)
!call execute_command_line('notepad test.txt')
allocate ( img_gray(nx,ny) )
call c_f_pointer(gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pixbuf), pixel, int((/nch, nx, ny/)))
img_min = 10e10; img_max = -10e10;
do i=1,nx
do j=1,ny
img_gray(i,j) = 0.3d0*ichar(pixel(1,i,j)) + 0.59d0*ichar(pixel(2,i,j)) + &
& 0.11d0 * ichar(pixel(3,i,j))
if(img_gray(i,j) < img_min) img_min = img_gray(i,j)
if(img_gray(i,j) > img_max) img_max = img_gray(i,j)
end do
end do
do i=1,nx
do j=1,ny
pixel(1,i,j) = char(int(img_gray(i,j),kind=1));
pixel(2,i,j) = char(int(img_gray(i,j),kind=1));
pixel(3,i,j) = char(int(img_gray(i,j),kind=1));
pixel(4,i,j) = char(255);
end do
end do
pixbuf = rotate(pixbuf,0.1,1)
!pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_rotate_simple(pixbuf,90)
nch = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels(pixbuf)
nx = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(pixbuf)
ny = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pixbuf)
nrs = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(pixbuf)
if(nch.eq.3) then
pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_add_alpha(pixbuf,FALSE,red,green,blue)
nch = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels(pixbuf)
if (errm /= "") then
write(error_unit, "(2A)") "Failed to open: ", &
& trim(file_list(current_file+1))
write(error_unit, "(2A)") " ", trim(errm)
rx = real(nx)/real(width); ry = real(ny)/real(height);
r = rx;
nxe = nx; nye = ny;
if (ry > 1.d0 .or. rx >1.d0) then
if(ry .gt. rx) then
r = ry
nxe = int(real(nx)/r)
nye = int(real(ny)/r)
pixbuf_scaled = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple(pixbuf,nxe,nye,1)
!call hl_gtk_drawing_area_resize(view, [nxe, nye])
call hl_gtk_drawing_area_draw_pixbuf(view, pixbuf_scaled)
end if
end subroutine show_image
subroutine add_files(widget, gdata) bind(c)
type(c_ptr), value :: widget, gdata
character(len=256), dimension(:), allocatable :: new_files, tmp
logical, pointer :: idelete
integer(kind=c_int) :: ipick, i
ipick = hl_gtk_file_chooser_show(new_files, create=FALSE, &
& initial_dir = "D:\Dropbox\Fourier_precompensation\FFT_2D_Landolt\Fortran", &
& initial_file= "D:\Dropbox\Fourier_precompensation\FFT_2D_Landolt\Fortran\Email_Screenshot_160621-----de-blurred.tif", &
& multiple=TRUE, all=TRUE)
if (.not. c_f_logical(ipick)) return
call c_f_pointer(gdata, idelete)
if (idelete) then
if (allocated(file_list)) deallocate(file_list)
file_list(:) = new_files(:)
call hl_gtk_combo_box_delete(select)
tmp(:) = file_list(:)
if (allocated(file_list)) deallocate(file_list)
file_list(:size(tmp)) = tmp(:)
file_list(size(tmp)+1:) = new_files(:)
if (current_file < 0) current_file = 0
end if
do i = 1, size(new_files)
call hl_gtk_combo_box_add_text(select, trim(new_files(i))//c_null_char)
end do
if (current_file < 0 .and. size(file_list) > 0) current_file = 0
call gtk_combo_box_set_active(select, current_file)
call gtk_widget_set_sensitive(select, f_c_logical(size(file_list)>0))
end subroutine add_files
subroutine red_channel(widget, gdata) bind(c)
type(c_ptr), value :: widget, gdata
character(len=256), dimension(:), allocatable :: new_files, tmp
logical, pointer :: idelete
integer(kind=c_int) :: ipick, i
end subroutine red_channel
end module v_handlers
program hl_cairo_viewer
! A very simple image viewer
use gdk_pixbuf_rotate
use v_handlers
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
integer(kind=c_int) :: nfiles, i, istat
integer(kind=c_int), dimension(14), target :: direction = [-1000,-500,-100,-50,-10,-5,-1, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000]
logical, dimension(2), target :: iremove = [.false., .true.]
type(c_ptr) :: scroll, base, jb,jb0, junk, cmsg
character(len=120) :: err_msg
call chdir("D:\Dropbox\Fourier_precompensation\FFT_2D_Landolt\Fortran")
call gtk_init()
nfiles = command_argument_count()
if (nfiles > 0) then
do i = 1, nfiles
call get_command_argument(i, value=file_list(i))
end do
current_file = 0
current_file = -1
end if
tl_window = hl_gtk_window_new("Simple Image Viewer modified by REJ"//c_null_char, &
& destroy=c_funloc(delete_v), resizable=TRUE)
base = hl_gtk_box_new()
call gtk_container_add(tl_window, base)
view = hl_gtk_drawing_area_new(scroll=scroll, ssize=[width, height], &
& has_alpha=TRUE, cairo_status=istat)
if (istat /= 0) then
cmsg = cairo_status_to_string(istat)
call c_f_string(cmsg, err_msg)
write(error_unit, "(2a)") "hl_cairo_viewer: ", trim(err_msg)
end if
call hl_gtk_box_pack(base, scroll)
jb = hl_gtk_box_new(horizontal=TRUE)
jb0 = hl_gtk_box_new(horizontal=TRUE)
call hl_gtk_box_pack(base, jb0)
call hl_gtk_box_pack(base, jb)
prev1000 = hl_gtk_button_new("<-1000"//c_null_char, &
& clicked=c_funloc(show_image), data=c_loc(direction(1)), &
& tooltip="Go to the previous image."//c_null_char,&
& sensitive=f_c_logical(nfiles > 0))
call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb, prev1000, expand=FALSE)
prev500 = hl_gtk_button_new("<-500"//c_null_char, &
& clicked=c_funloc(show_image), data=c_loc(direction(2)), &
& tooltip="Go to the previous image."//c_null_char,&
& sensitive=f_c_logical(nfiles > 0))
call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb, prev500, expand=FALSE)
prev100 = hl_gtk_button_new("<-100"//c_null_char, &
& clicked=c_funloc(show_image), data=c_loc(direction(3)), &
& tooltip="Go to the previous image."//c_null_char,&
& sensitive=f_c_logical(nfiles > 0))
call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb, prev100, expand=FALSE)
prev50 = hl_gtk_button_new("<-50"//c_null_char, &
& clicked=c_funloc(show_image), data=c_loc(direction(4)), &
& tooltip="Go to the previous image."//c_null_char,&
& sensitive=f_c_logical(nfiles > 0))
call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb, prev50, expand=FALSE)
prev10 = hl_gtk_button_new("<-10"//c_null_char, &
& clicked=c_funloc(show_image), data=c_loc(direction(5)), &
& tooltip="Go to the previous image."//c_null_char,&
& sensitive=f_c_logical(nfiles > 0))
call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb, prev10, expand=FALSE)
prev5 = hl_gtk_button_new("<-5"//c_null_char, &
& clicked=c_funloc(show_image), data=c_loc(direction(6)), &
& tooltip="Go to the previous image."//c_null_char,&
& sensitive=f_c_logical(nfiles > 0))
call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb, prev5, expand=FALSE)
prev1 = hl_gtk_button_new("<-1"//c_null_char, &
& clicked=c_funloc(show_image), data=c_loc(direction(7)), &
& tooltip="Go to the previous image."//c_null_char,&
& sensitive=false)
call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb, prev1, expand=FALSE)
!call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb0, prev1, expand=FALSE)
select = hl_gtk_combo_box_new(changed=c_funloc(show_image), &
& sensitive=f_c_logical(nfiles > 0), tooltip=&
& "Select an image to show"//c_null_char)
!call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb, select, expand=TRUE)
call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb0, select, expand=TRUE)
next1 = hl_gtk_button_new("1->"//c_null_char, &
& clicked=c_funloc(show_image), data=c_loc(direction(8)), &
& tooltip="Go to the next image."//c_null_char, &
& sensitive=f_c_logical(nfiles > 0))
call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb, next1, expand=FALSE)
next5 = hl_gtk_button_new("5->"//c_null_char, &
& clicked=c_funloc(show_image), data=c_loc(direction(9)), &
& tooltip="Go to the next image."//c_null_char, &
& sensitive=f_c_logical(nfiles >=5))
call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb, next5, expand=FALSE)
next10 = hl_gtk_button_new("10->"//c_null_char, &
& clicked=c_funloc(show_image), data=c_loc(direction(10)), &
& tooltip="Go to the next image."//c_null_char, &
& sensitive=f_c_logical(nfiles >= 10))
call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb, next10, expand=FALSE)
next50 = hl_gtk_button_new("50->"//c_null_char, &
& clicked=c_funloc(show_image), data=c_loc(direction(11)), &
& tooltip="Go to the next image."//c_null_char, &
& sensitive=f_c_logical(nfiles >=50))
call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb, next50, expand=FALSE)
next100 = hl_gtk_button_new("100->"//c_null_char, &
& clicked=c_funloc(show_image), data=c_loc(direction(12)), &
& tooltip="Go to the next image."//c_null_char, &
& sensitive=f_c_logical(nfiles >= 100))
call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb, next100, expand=FALSE)
next500 = hl_gtk_button_new("500->"//c_null_char, &
& clicked=c_funloc(show_image), data=c_loc(direction(13)), &
& tooltip="Go to the next image."//c_null_char, &
& sensitive=f_c_logical(nfiles >=500))
call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb, next500, expand=FALSE)
next1000 = hl_gtk_button_new("1000->"//c_null_char, &
& clicked=c_funloc(show_image), data=c_loc(direction(14)), &
& tooltip="Go to the next image."//c_null_char, &
& sensitive=f_c_logical(nfiles > 0))
call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb, next1000, expand=FALSE)
if (nfiles > 0) then
do i = 1, nfiles
call hl_gtk_combo_box_add_text(select, &
& trim(file_list(i))//c_null_char)
end do
end if
junk = hl_gtk_button_new("red channel"//c_null_char, &
& clicked=c_funloc(red_channel), data=c_loc(iremove(1)), &
& tooltip="Show red channel only."//c_null_char)
call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb0, junk, expand=FALSE)
junk = hl_gtk_button_new("Add files"//c_null_char, &
& clicked=c_funloc(add_files), data=c_loc(iremove(1)), &
& tooltip="Pick files to add to the list."//c_null_char)
call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb0, junk, expand=FALSE)
junk = hl_gtk_button_new("Replace files"//c_null_char, &
& clicked=c_funloc(add_files), data=c_loc(iremove(2)), &
& tooltip="Pick files to replace the list."//c_null_char)
! call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb0, junk)
call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb0, junk, expand=FALSE)
junk=hl_gtk_button_new("Quit"//c_null_char, &
& clicked=c_funloc(delete_v), tooltip=&
& "Quit the viewer."//c_null_char)
call hl_gtk_box_pack(jb0, junk, expand=FALSE)
call gtk_widget_show_all(tl_window)
if (nfiles == 0) call add_files(c_null_ptr, c_loc(iremove(2)))
if (current_file >= 0) call gtk_combo_box_set_active(select, current_file)
call gtk_main()
end program hl_cairo_viewer
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <math.h>
/* There are two reasonable sizes for a rotated image-- Either the minimum */
/* bounding box which contains all rotated pixels (and a bunch of white space)*/
/* or the maximum rectangle where all pixels come from the source image (but */
/* where we lose some of the corners) */
/* The first is easy to calculate: The minimum bounding box will have the corners */
/* of the rotated image on its edges, this leaves us with four triangles in */
/* the corners of the bb. Two triangles have edges width*sin(theta), width*cos(theta) */
/* and two have edges height*sin(theta), height*cos(theta) */
/* so the new width height will be the sum of two adjacent triangle edges: */
/* width" = width*cos + height*sin */
/* height"= width*sin + height*cos */
/* Now for the maximum inscribed rectangle we draw a similar picture (except */
/* the unknown rectangle is internal now) and get similar triangles. Here the*/
/* equations are: */
/* width = width'*cos + height'*sin */
/* height= width'*sin + height'*cos */
/* solving for height'... */
/* height' = (width-width'*cos)/sin */
/* height' = (height-width'*sin)/cos */
/* (width-width'*cos)/sin = (height-width'*sin)/cos */
/* width*cos - width'*cos^2 = height*sin - width'*sin^2 */
/* width' * (sin^2-cos^2) = height*sin-width*cos */
/* width' = (height*sin - width*cos)/(sin^2-cos^2) */
/* height'= (width*sin - height*cos)/(sin^2-cos^2) */
/* Note this produces garbage (0/0) when rotated by 45 degrees (135,225,...) */
/* A little experimentation shows that at 45 degrees the only thing with */
/* an internal rectangle is a square, all other aspect ratios have a height */
/* of 0. A square, however, has an internal square with sides 1/sqrt(2) of the original */
/* When creating a full_size image (minimum bounding box) we should return */
/* an image with an alpha channel (whether the original had one or no). */
/* otherwise we should create an alpha channel only if the original had one */
/* A pixel at (x,y) will be rotated to: */
/* ((x-width/2)*cos + (y-height/2)*sin + width'/2 , */
/* =(x-width/2)*sin + (y-height/2)*cos + height'/2 ) */
/* A pixel at (x',y') will have come from: */
/* ((x'-width'/2)*cos - (y'-height'/2)*sin + width/2 , */
/* (x'-width'/2)*sin + (y'-height'/2)*cos + height/2 ) */
static GdkPixbuf *rotate(const GdkPixbuf *src,float radian,int full_size) {
double s = sin(radian), c = cos(radian);
double as= s<0 ? -s : s, ac= c<0 ? -c : c;
int width, height, nwidth, nheight;
int hasalpha, nhasalpha;
GdkPixbuf *ret;
int nr,nc,r,col;
double nmodr, nmodc;
int alpha=0;
guchar *pixels, *npixels, *pt, *npt;
int rowstride, nrowstride, pixellen;
if ( src==NULL )
return( NULL );
width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(src);
height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(src);
hasalpha = gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha(src);
rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(src);
pixels = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(src);
pixellen = hasalpha ? 4 : 3;
if ( full_size ==1) {
nwidth = round( ac*width + as*height );
nheight= round( as*width + ac*height );
nhasalpha = TRUE;
} else {
double denom = as*as - ac*ac;
if ( denom<.1e-7 && denom>-1.e-7 ) {
if ( width!=height )
return( NULL );
nwidth = nheight = round( width/sqrt(2.0) );
} else {
nwidth = round( (height*as - width*ac)/denom );
nheight = round( (width*as - height*ac)/denom );
if ( nwidth<=0 || nheight<=0 )
return( NULL );
nhasalpha = hasalpha;
ret = gdk_pixbuf_new(GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB,nhasalpha,8,nwidth,nheight);
if ( ret==NULL )
return( NULL );
nrowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(ret);
npixels = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(ret);
for ( nr=0; nr<nheight; ++nr ) {
nmodr = nr-nheight/2.0;
npt = npixels + nr*nrowstride;
for ( nc=0; nc<nwidth; ++nc ) {
nmodc = nc-nwidth/2.0;
/* Where did this pixel come from? */
r = round( height/2 - nmodc*s + nmodr*c );
col = round( width/2 + nmodc*c + nmodr*s );
if ( r<0 || col<0 || r>=height || col>=width ) {
alpha = 0;
if ( r<0 ) r=0;
else if ( r>=height ) r = height-1;
if ( col<0 ) col = 0;
else if ( col>=width ) col = width-1;
} else
alpha = 0xff;
pt = pixels + r*rowstride + col*pixellen;
*npt++ = *pt++;
*npt++ = *pt++;
*npt++ = *pt++;
if ( hasalpha && alpha!=0 )
alpha = *pt;
if ( nhasalpha )
*npt++ = alpha;
return( ret );
Project-File (make-file):
# Automagically generated by Approximatrix Simply Fortran 3.17
FC="C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 3\mingw-w64\bin\gfortran.exe"
CC="C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 3\mingw-w64\bin\gcc.exe"
AR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 3\mingw-w64\bin\ar.exe"
WRC="C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 3\mingw-w64\bin\windres.exe"
PRJTK="C:\Program Files (x86)\Simply Fortran 3\fwin\sfprjtk.exe"
RM=rm -f
LDIR=-LC:/PROGRA~2/SIMPLY~1/MINGW-~1/lib/ -LC:/Users/rjoos/AppData/Local/sfpm/32/lib
OPTFLAGS= -O3 -fgraphite-identity -floop-interchange -floop-strip-mine -floop-block -floop-parallelize-all
RCFLAGS=-O coff -F pe-i386
PRJ_LFLAGS=-lplplotf95 -lplplotf95c -lplplot -lplplotcxx -lcsirocsa -lqsastime -lgtk-3-fortran -lgtk-3.dll -lgdk-3.dll -lgthread-2.0.dll -lgdi32 -lole32 -latk-1.0.dll -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0.dll -lpangowin32-1.0.dll -lpangoft2-1.0.dll -lpango-1.0.dll -lpangocairo-1.0.dll -lcairo.dll -lcairo-gobject.dll -lgobject-2.0.dll -lgmodule-2.0.dll -lglib-2.0.dll -lfontconfig.dll -lfreetype.dll -lpng15.dll -lz -lintl.dll -lcomdlg32
FFLAGS=$(SPECIALFLAGS) $(OPTFLAGS) $(PRJ_FFLAGS) -JD:/Dropbox/Fourier_precompensation/FFT_2D_Landolt/Fortran/modules
"build\gdk_pixbuf_rotate.o": ".\gdk_pixbuf_rotate.c"
@echo Compiling .\gdk_pixbuf_rotate.c
@$(CC) -c -o "build\gdk_pixbuf_rotate.o" $(CFLAGS) ".\gdk_pixbuf_rotate.c"
"build\hl_viewer.o": ".\hl_viewer.f90"
@echo Compiling .\hl_viewer.f90
@$(FC) -c -o "build\hl_viewer.o" $(FFLAGS) ".\hl_viewer.f90"
"modules\gdk_pixbuf_rotate.mod" "modules\v_handlers.mod" : "build\hl_viewer.o" .EXISTSONLY
@echo Compiling .\hl_viewer.f90
@$(FC) -c -o "build\hl_viewer.o" $(FFLAGS) ".\hl_viewer.f90"
"build\sf_default_resource.res": "build\sf_default_resource.rc" "./Mandelbrot.ICO"
@echo Processing default resource
@$(WRC) build\sf_default_resource.rc $(RCFLAGS) -o build\sf_default_resource.res
clean: .SYMBOLIC
@echo Deleting build\gdk_pixbuf_rotate.o and related files
@$(RM) "build\gdk_pixbuf_rotate.o"
@echo Deleting build\hl_viewer.o and related files
@$(RM) "build\hl_viewer.o" "modules\gdk_pixbuf_rotate.mod" "modules\gdk_pixbuf_rotate.smod" "modules\v_handlers.mod" "modules\v_handlers.smod"
@echo Deleting build\julia_pixbuf_devel.o and related files
@$(RM) "build\julia_pixbuf_devel.o"
@echo Deleting build\mandelbrot_pixbuf_zoom_develop.o and related files
@$(RM) "build\mandelbrot_pixbuf_zoom_develop.o"
@echo Deleting build\rotate.o and related files
@$(RM) "build\rotate.o"
@echo Deleting default icon resource
@$(RM) "build\sf_default_resource.res"
@echo Deleting hl_viewer_devel.exe
@$(RM) "hl_viewer_devel.exe"
"hl_viewer_devel.exe": "build\gdk_pixbuf_rotate.o" "build\hl_viewer.o" "build\sf_default_resource.res" "build\"
@echo Generating hl_viewer_devel.exe
@$(FC) -o "hl_viewer_devel.exe" -static -m32 -mwindows "build\gdk_pixbuf_rotate.o" "build\hl_viewer.o" "build\sf_default_resource.res" $(LDIR) $(PRJ_LFLAGS)
all: "hl_viewer_devel.exe" .SYMBOLIC
Sorry, has got a long post. It would be nice if code could be added seperately.