Topic: Appgraphics mutex
Can you give me a little more explanation how mutexes works with Appgraphics?
I wish keep main program computing and comunicate by shared variables with interface. To protect them I create mutex by call of createmutex() . Inside the main program I'm able to lock it and unlock it. But if I try to do same inside callback procedure konec I never get lock. For now I just comment out few lines of code but it is unsatisfactory.
Could you help me, please?
module apptools
use appgraphics
integer :: myscreen
integer :: menuroot_id !> root menu id
integer :: menu_close
integer :: menu_actions
integer :: menu_help
integer :: mclose_act
integer :: mut_main
logical :: skoncit
subroutine konec()
print *, "koncime", mut_main
!if ( lockmutex(mut_main, -1) ) then
skoncit = .true.
print *, "oznaceno"
!call unlockmutex(mut_main)
!end if
end subroutine konec
end module apptools
program main
use appgraphics
use apptools
implicit none
real(16) :: s,i
integer :: inisizex, inisizey
character(65) :: repstr
integer :: cnt
inisizex = 800
inisizey = 600
skoncit = .false.
mut_main = createmutex()
print *, mut_main
print *, lockmutex(mut_main)
call unlockmutex(mut_main)
myscreen = initwindow(inisizex, inisizey, closeflag=.false.)
menuroot_id = addmenu("")
print *, menuroot_id
menu_actions = addmenu("Activity",menuroot_id)
print *, menu_actions
menu_close = addmenu("Konec", menuroot_id)
print *, menu_close
menu_help = addmenu("Napoveda", menuroot_id)
print *, menu_help
mclose_act = addmenuitem("Ukoncit program,",menu_close,konec)
!call loop()
s = 0
i = 0
cnt = 0
mainloop : do
i = i + 1
s = s + 1/i
cnt = cnt + 1
!print *, i,s
if ( isvalidwindow(myscreen) .and. (cnt == 10000) ) then
cnt = 0
write(repstr,"(f15.0,2f25.17)") i,s,s-log(i)
call outtextxy(50,200,repstr);
if ( lockmutex(mut_main) ) then
if ( skoncit ) then
print *, "jdu koncit"
call unlockmutex(mut_main)
exit mainloop
end if
end if
end if
end do mainloop
print *, "Chci zavrit okno5"
call closewindow(myscreen)
end program main