Topic: CONTINUATION statements in Fixed Format source code
I have a fixed format source file saved as 'HARMOSC.FOR'. It is attached to the project. It contains the following statement:
open (8,file='C\GLN\Sci_Source\FLIBS\harmout.txt',
X status='UNKNOWN')
I am trying to set up a new file (UNIT 8) to which I will write the output data. The "X" is in column 6, which means the statement following is to be interpreted as a continuation statement for the previous line.
When I compile the code, everything seems to compile normally. I get an output module called 'HARMOSC.o', and an executable module. When I attempt to launch the thing, I get the following message:
"At line 16 of file .\HARMOSC.FOR(UNIT=8,FILE='#^1)'
FORTRAN RUNTIME ERROR: FILE 'c\gln\Sci_Source\FLIBS\harmout.txt' does not exist'
Press any key to continue. "
It appears from this that the file name has been garbled, probably because it did not recognize the continuation symbol in column 7. What's going on? Is there a fix for this?