Topic: aplot - close plot under software control.

I'm writing a simulation program that I'd like to

1.  Create a plot of a specific variable

2.  Keep the plot on the screen for n seconds

3.  Kill the plot and let the program resume running

4.  After a prescribed number of iterations, do this all over again.

Is there any way to do this?


Re: aplot - close plot under software control.

Currently, the way our APlot plotting package works does not allow this behavior.  The window needs to be explicitly closed by the user, and it halts the program until that happens.  We could look into adding an API that only holds the window open for a certain period, though.  Let me look into it.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: aplot - close plot under software control.

Thank you.  I'll watch for it.

Re: aplot - close plot under software control.

Version 3.26 of Simply Fortran will have this capability in Aplot under Windows only.  The functionality may make it to other platforms eventually, though Linux might be difficult due to the thread restrictions in the X server.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC