Topic: why does one function need an Implicit type and another not?
Trying to draw numbers on a graphic window.
First function (Eight) works fine. But when I added the second function, I get a failed compile because:
"Two Main programs at 1 and 2." What's up?
program main
use appgraphics
implicit none
integer seven, eight, res
window = initwindow(800, 600)
res = eight(50,300,10)
res = seven(65,300,10)
call loop()
call closewindow(window)
end program main
integer function eight(x,y,r)
use appgraphics
!Draws a figure eight of size r at start point (x,y).
integer x,y,r !r is the radius.
call circle(x+r,y+r,r)
call circle(x+r,y+3*r,r)
end function eight
integer function seven(x,y,s)
use appgraphics
integer x, y, s
call bar(x,y,x+s,y+s)
end function seven