Topic: Having Trouble - Long time since using SF

I'm back and trying to get older programs to run.  I've brought a previous FOR program in and have done some editing.  I've saved the project, but when I try to build it (I guess using the Generate MakeFile command), I get a message that no source files were detected.  I'm source code is open...why can't the program find my source?


2 (edited by JohnWasilewski 2012-10-18 22:33:14)

Re: Having Trouble - Long time since using SF

As well as having source files open and saving the project, have you actually added the source files to the project?  This is done by right clicking on a source file tab or on the project name.   If you close SF then re-start it and re-open the same project, it will show you which source files it knows about.

If you have in fact added the source files but it can't find them then might you by any chance have changed any directory names or moved any files after adding them?

Another thing that often solves seemingly illogical situations is to use the 'Clean project' function and then re-build.

Yet another thing to look at is whether you have the 'Always regenerate makefile' box ticked in Project Options.

Re: Having Trouble - Long time since using SF

John -

I guess this is my problem...I don't understand the hierarchy of SF and how things go together.  It's seems so different than when I was running Visual Fortran (not in the visual mode!).

OK, so I right clicked and selected "Add to Project...".  Now when I build, I get the following error:

Error(F38): (.\A10LandVz) does not exist and cannot be made from existing files

I suppose this has something to do with what I've named my source file - "A10LandVZ at 3_0.for".  Does it not like the spaces in the name?


Re: Having Trouble - Long time since using SF

PS...I'm running SF version 1.25.  Should I upgrade?


Re: Having Trouble - Long time since using SF

I finally got there...I deleted the spaces in my names and I'm up and running.  Now just trying to QA my results.   :-(


Re: Having Trouble - Long time since using SF


Well done for solving it.

I used to use Compaq Visual Fortran, until Windows 7/64 rendered it ininstallable and unrunnable.
Apart from the Windows GUI facilities in CVF, I think Simply Fortran is significantly better than CVF.
I've overcome the lack of any GUI programming facilities in SF by using the superb Dislin, which is available free for non-commercial use.

Do, please, upgrade to SF 1.33. 
What Jeff has been doing to improve it is superb, especially with the more recent updates, and especially the most recent one,

Re: Having Trouble - Long time since using SF


I'm glad you've solved the problem.  Spaces in source files is not well-supported even in present versions of Simply Fortran.  I think a warning is in order at the very least when a file is added to a project.  That said, upgrading to the latest version of Simply Fortran might give you a handful of bug fixes and new features.  Your registration information will remain valid, so there is no need to re-register.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC