Topic: AppGraphics AutoTextProject
Hi Jeff,
I was unable to compile your AutoText MultiLine project example using MS Windows 10 and SF 3.29. I received the following error but don't know the reason for the error.
BTW, At first read, it appears that your application of real-time multi-line printing has the potential to be a useful addition to Simply Fortran's toolbox.
Generating Makefile... Okay
Processing default resource
Generating multilinetextbox.exe
build\autotext_thread.o:autotext_thread.c:(.text+0x141): undefined reference to `_imp__PathIsRelativeA@4'
build\autotext_thread.o:autotext_thread.c:(.text+0x1ec): undefined reference to `_imp__PathCombineA@12'
build\autotext_thread.o:autotext_thread.c:(.text+0x26a): undefined reference to `_imp__PathRemoveFileSpecA@4'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Error: Last command making (multilinetextbox.exe) returned a bad status
Error: Make execution terminated
* Failed *