Topic: SF 3.31 3993 Profiler not working?
I cannot get the SF 3.31 3993 Profiler to run after I've enabled Profiling and executed the project within SF environment. More specifically, when the project is executed and then a menu to open a data file is selected following by running a regression analysis and Aplot display of the data, I keep getting the message that "Profiling data does not yet exist" even after I've run the project with Profiling enabled. No gmon.out file is created in the working folder. However, if I execute the same project to display the window and menus but quickly quit the program without selecting a data file or running a regression of the data, a gmon.out file is created in the working folder. A gmon.out file is only created when the project is executed and then quit without performing any other operations or computations. FYI, I am using a multilinetextbox in the parent window.
Am I doing something incorrectly, or is there a bug in the Profiler of this build?