Topic: Cannot build previously working project - Totally flummoxed.
When I try to build a previously finely working project of earlier today, I get the following output and error message. The problem is, I have no idea what the problem is, and this output, while profuse and no doubt meaningful to someone else, does not help me. Looks all my routines compiled OK, but then sometime happened after that. What is going on? What permission is being denied, and permission to do what? What does "ld returned 1 exit status"?
Generating Makefile... Okay
Compiling ..\..\..\..\Fortran\Run_mswhip\auxx.f
Compiling ..\..\..\..\Fortran\Run_mswhip\matdiv.f
Compiling ..\..\..\..\Fortran\Run_mswhip\matmlt.f
Compiling ..\..\..\..\Fortran\Run_mswhip\mswhip.f
Compiling ..\..\..\..\Fortran\Run_mswhip\ncbktr.f
Compiling ..\..\..\..\Fortran\Run_mswhip\nceign.f
Compiling ..\..\..\..\Fortran\Run_mswhip\nchtd.f
Compiling ..\..\..\..\Fortran\Run_mswhip\ncorth.f
Compiling ..\..\..\..\Fortran\Run_mswhip\ncsep.f
Compiling ..\..\..\..\Fortran\Run_mswhip\nctdbs.f
Compiling ..\..\..\..\Fortran\Run_mswhip\nctrii.f
Compiling ..\..\..\..\Fortran\Run_mswhip\print1.f
Compiling ..\..\..\..\Fortran\Run_mswhip\rebak.f
Compiling ..\..\..\..\Fortran\Run_mswhip\reduc.f
Compiling ..\..\..\..\Fortran\Run_mswhip\rk.f
Compiling ..\..\..\..\Fortran\Run_mswhip\sturm.f
Generating target.exe
c:/program files (x86)/simply fortran 3/mingw-w64/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/12.1.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot open output file target.exe: Permission denied
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Error: Last command making (target.exe) returned a bad status
Error: Deleting (target.exe): Permission denied
Error: Make execution terminated
* Failed *