1 (edited by GrzegorzW 2024-04-05 15:35:55)

Topic: Closing SF does not stop fwin.exe process

Running SF version 3.34 4158 I observe strange behaviour when I'm closing the machine. Windows informs about still running SF. I investigated it a little deeper. I start Process Explorer and then start and close SF via clicking the Close button in the right/upper window's corner or taking File -> Exit. In both situations fwin.exe process still runs. In Temp folder there are leavings like SF_x.tmp.html and sfXx.tmp files/folders.

I recall somebody started the topic here and he saw fwin.exe still running that gave him surprising effects.

Re: Closing SF does not stop fwin.exe process

Build 4166 and higher should fix the issue.  We posted about it with our bug fix release this week since it was significant.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC