Topic: compilation failure. Cannot read libgfortran.spec

New 3.35.4225 release gives following error on compilation

Generating Makefile... Okay
Compiling .\hello.f90
Generating hello.exe
gfortran.exe: fatal error: cannot read spec file 'libgfortran.spec': No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Error: Last command making (hello.exe) returned a bad status
Error: Make execution terminated

* Failed *

Re: compilation failure. Cannot read libgfortran.spec

I tried responding to your earlier email about this.  Can you provide some more information:

1. Can you make sure, in Compiler and Support Programs (in the Options menu), the Fortran compiler box says "Included GNU Fortran compiler?"

2. In the Compiler and Support Programs window, select the Make Utility category and uncheck "Simplified Build Progress."  Click Ok.  Next try the build again.  What is the Build Status tab output?

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC