Topic: command line use of compiler requires -static flag

I sometimes use gfortran installed with SF from the command line rather than using the SF IDE. In the past, executables were created that did not require the use of the -static flag for the linker. Now, if I don't include the -static flag, the resulting executables will not run. At some point in the recent past, did the SF installation change the location of library files or change the PATH setting so that the Fortran library files were not found during program execution? I am asking as a matter of curiosity, as other than greatly increasing the size of the .exe files, it isn't a problem (assuming I remember to use the -static flag). 

Thanks for continuing to develop and support this product!

Re: command line use of compiler requires -static flag

There was a period where we were not shipping runtime DLLs at all, but we received a good amount of pushback.  So yes, the compiler is using the runtime DLLs as opposed to static libraries by default.

The installer does configure the system path to look in the Simply Fortran installation directory, but your post made me check something.  We recently stopped creating duplicated directories in our installer as they seem to be unnecessary under current tooling.  It appears that the installer's path setting for 64-bit DLLs was looking in the <Simply Fortran base dir>\mingw-w64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib64 directory, but we no longer generate that directory in the installer.  I've just updated the installer build script to fix this.  My guess, though, is that compiling from the command line for 32-bit (adding the -m32 switch) will not exhibit the issue you've noticed.

We should have a build out this week to fix, of all things, compatibility with Windows XP.  I'll make sure this fix is included as well.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC