Topic: include path for resource files?

My resource file requires an additional include directory, but I haven't found any way to specify it other than manually editing the Makefile. Am I missing something?

The automatically generated Makefile includes:

RCFLAGS=-O coff --use-temp-file

It needs to be:

RCFLAGS=-O coff --use-temp-file --include-dir C:/wxWidgets-3.2.6/include

Re: include path for resource files?

At this time, no, there isn't a way to add a directory for resource compiler.  However, it does make sense to have this feature added.  I think two things need to be added:

  • Dedicated resource compiler flags entry box

  • Include/Module directories added directly to the resource compiler command line

We can probably squeeze those changes into the next release, which should be ready in the next week or two.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: include path for resource files?

That would be great - thanks!