Topic: Calling a function in C++ dll from FORTRAN
I am stuck at a point where I am using mixed language programming of C++ and FORTRAN. I have a C++ function in a dll which returns a pointer. I tried to call it from my FORTRAN program. I have no problem in compiling, linking and running. However, after the run I get the C pointer returned as 0. It is not a problem with the function in the dl because I have checked with the dll being called from both C++ and C# programs. So I think it is something to dow ith FORTRAN calling the C++ function. Here is the structure of the program:
// C++ Header
// ---------------
# include statements
#ifdef BUILD_DLL
#define DLL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
// #define DLL_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
//#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
double DLL_EXPORT __cdecl *CalcAirProperties(int InputCombination, double Input1, double Input2, double Pressure);
// ---------------
//C++ source code
// ---------------
double DLL_EXPORT __cdecl *CalcAirProperties(int InputCombination, double Input1, double Input2, double Pressure)
double *AirProperties = new double[7];
//Do Calculations
return AirProperties
// ---------------
Here is my FORTRAN code:
PROGRAM ProgramMain
USE Statements
USE iso_c_binding, ONLY : c_ptr,c_double,c_f_pointer
TYPE(c_ptr) :: c_p
REAL(c_double), POINTER :: f_p(:)
FUNCTION CalcAirProperties(InputComb, InpValue1,InpValue2,BarometricPressure) BIND(C,NAME='CalcAirProperties')
INTEGER(kind=C_INT), INTENT(IN) :: InputComb
REAL(kind=C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN) :: InpValue1
REAL(kind=C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN) :: InpValue2
REAL(kind=C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN) :: BarometricPressure
TYPE(c_ptr) :: CalcAirProperties
REAL :: TempDB_Test
REAL :: TempRH_Test
REAL :: BaroPressure
TempDB_Test = 308.15
TempRH_Test = 0.69
BaroPressure = 101.325
c_p = CalcAirProperties(2,TempDB_Test,TempRH_Test,BaroPressure)
CALL c_f_pointer(c_p,f_p,[7])
RHiC = f_p(3)
RhoAiC = f_p(7)
END ProgramMain
In the above set up the pointer returned by the c_p=CalcAirProperties() call is 0 and thus the values f_p is not pointing to the right array start.
So to remove all the problems with pointers I converted the C++ function to accept an array (by reference) so that I can set the desired array values inside the C++ function and thus pass the array back to FORTRAN. Here is what I did for that:
// C++ Header
// ---------------
# include statements
#ifdef BUILD_DLL
#define DLL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
// #define DLL_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
//#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
void DLL_EXPORT __cdecl CalcAirProperties(int InputCombination, double Input1, double Input2, double Pressure,double PropertyArray[]);
// ---------------
//C++ source code
// ---------------
void DLL_EXPORT __cdecl CalcAirProperties(int InputCombination, double Input1, double Input2, double Pressure,double PropertyArray[])
double *AirProperties = new double[7];
//Do Calculations
for(int i =0;i<7;i++)
PropertyArray(i) = AirProperties(i);
// ---------------
Here is my FORTRAN code:
PROGRAM ProgramMain
USE Statements
USE iso_c_binding, ONLY : c_ptr,c_double,c_f_pointer
TYPE(c_ptr) :: c_p
REAL(c_double), POINTER :: f_p(:)
SUBROUTINE CalcAirProperties(InputComb, InpValue1,InpValue2,BarometricPressure,PropertyArray) BIND(C,NAME='CalcAirProperties')
INTEGER(kind=C_INT), INTENT(IN) :: InputComb
REAL(kind=C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN) :: InpValue1
REAL(kind=C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN) :: InpValue2
REAL(kind=C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN) :: BarometricPressure
REAL(kind=C_DOUBLE), DIMENSION(7), INTENT(OUT) :: PropertyArray
REAL :: TempDB_Test
REAL :: TempRH_Test
REAL :: BaroPressure
REAL(kind=C_DOUBLE), DIMENSION(7) :: PropertyArray
TempDB_Test = 308.15
TempRH_Test = 0.69
BaroPressure = 101.325
CALL CalcAirProperties(2, TempDB_Test,TempRH_Test,BaroPressure,PropertyArray)
RHiC = PropertyArray(3)
RhoAiC = PropertyArray(7)
END ProgramMain
The above method also did not work. So I am kind of lost. I am still a newbie when it comes to mixed language programming.
I understand this could not be a problem with Simply Fortran IDE, but I would appreciate any help in this matter from the FORTRAN experts in this forum.
p.s: Do not ind the array element noted by normal parenthesis instead of square parenthesis. The forum would not accept square parenthesis.