Topic: The order of compiliation
I want to run a seris of codes to replicate results of a concerning paper.
The author says as below:
Programs should be compiled in the following order:
nrtype.f90 common_par.f90 storedata.f90 nrutil.f90 grid_generate.f90 sub_timeseries.f90
sub_optim.f90 eulereq2.f90 externalit.f90 plannervf.F90 interp.f90 process.f90
simulation.f90 bindingc.f90 valuef.f90 tax.f90 tauchenhussey.f brent.f90 mnbrak.f90
zbrent.f90 zbrac.f90 taxplan.f90 main.f90
How can I specify the order of compiliation in SimplyFortran?