Topic: omp_ex.exe

I started with "hello world", but now I am trying to open a new project.
Whichever project I chose to open, the project I get is omp_ex_exe.
How do I get rid of it and start fresh?

Re: omp_ex.exe

I'm afraid I don't exactly understand what you're reporting.  When you start Simply Fortran, are you selecting a project on the Start (or Unregistered) tab?  Are you saying that regardless of selecting "Hello World," "Shared Library," etc., you end up with the OpenMP sample project in the Project panel?

If so, it sounds like you've uncovered a very odd bug indeed.  Has anyone else seen similar behavior?

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

3 (edited by v5030e 2014-07-04 21:02:48)

Re: omp_ex.exe

I think I removed all files related to omp_ex.exe on my computer, but any project I choose still gives me omp_ex.exe as the project.
I don't know where SF gets that project.

Re: omp_ex.exe

The "omp_ex.exe" project to which you're referring is an example on how to use OpenMP from within Simply Fortran.  It is one of the builtin examples provided with Simply Fortran.  It should obviously only be initiated when you select the corresponding OpenMP example after starting Simply Fortran.  You won't be able to remove all the files associated with it because they are created on the fly when that example is selected.

It sounds as if you've encountered a serious bug.  What version of Simply Fortran are you using (visible in "About..." in the Help menu)?  Also, what version of Windows are you running?  I'll see if I can possibly replicate your issue.

Does this happen when you select a new project from both the "Start" (or "Unregistered") tab and from "New Project" under the Project menu?

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: omp_ex.exe

I think I'm doing something wrong but I don't know what.
I am using version 2.14 build 1647 on my Windows 7 laptop.
My procedure is the following:

1. I open SF, and now see Untitled (project.exe).
I guess that is because I have been playing around with different options.
2. I then click on 'Open an existing project'.
3. This shows me the project I want, lw.prj in a folder I call \lw.
4.  When I click on that file, I get lw(Project.ext) in the project box. Shouldn't I get the project I want, lw.prj?
    The lw there I assume is just the folder my project was in.
It seems that nothing I can do bring up the project lw.prj that I want.
I think I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what it is. I have many years experience with various fortrans, but this seems so 'user-friendly' that I can't control it.

Re: omp_ex.exe

You are doing everything right.  I think you're somewhat confused about the naming of items in the Project Outline panel.  Most importantly, you have opened your desired project properly.  There are some things you should be aware of:

1.  In the Project Outline panel, your project's root will always be of the format:


Your project's NAME in this case is "lw"; Simply Fortran has removed the extension, that's all.  The "Project.exe" you're seeing is the name of the TARGET that will be created when you compile your project.  By default, Simply Fortran will always name executables "Project.exe."  If you open Project Options from the Options menu, you'll see that you can change the project's Target to a more appropriate name.

2.  When you start Simply Fortran, you should always see "Untitled (Project.exe)" in the Project Outline panel because your project has not been saved (hence the NAME being "Untitled") and it is still using the default TARGET name, "Project.exe."  The only way you'd see something different is if you double-clicked on an existing project in Windows Explorer.

There is a mild learning curve associated with Simply Fortran, the same as with any software.  We try to make things simple, but sometimes we fail.  Upon reflection, perhaps the default executable name "Project.exe" is unfortunate. 

Have you added your own source code to your "lw" project yet?

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: omp_ex.exe

Thank you.  It seems clearer now.  I was confused by what I saw.
I have run a simple program.