Topic: Font? for dlgmessage (type, message)


When implementing the dlgmessage (type, message) dialog, there are times when it would be useful for the text font to be changed.  For example, if the dlgmessage() where used to display numbers in columns it is necessary for the font to be of fixed width, otherwise the numbers don't appear lined up correctly.  Similarly, text and symbols such as '.' versus '-' are not equally spaced.  I understand that this is not the primary function of this dialog, but it would be convenient for easily and quickly displaying results of a routine.

Q: Is it possible to change the font used in the dialog dlgmessage (type, message) to a fixed space font?



Re: Font? for dlgmessage (type, message)


The dlgmessage function is a thin wrapper around the Windows MessageBox API call.  The Windows call itself doesn't allow changing the font in a straightforward manner.  Adding this feature to AppGraphics wouldn't be too simple.

I can look into some solutions.   However, it might be faster to code a window to pop up with the value yourself.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC