Topic: createmultilinetextbox line limit exceeded?

Hi Jeff,

Briefly, following along the lines of your example, I created a parent window (initwindow) and a multi-line text box (createmultilinetextbox). Then added your autotext module (assignunit). Everything worked as expected. I could write characters (text) to the textbox, scroll, erase the screen, and write more text to the wiindow, etc.

Here's the problem that I'm experiencing.  I'm displaying text results from a regression analysis routine that produces multiple sets of resulting data. I can populate the textbox perfectly until it reaches about 548 lines of text and then it stops scrolling. When I try and add more text to the existing text, nothing further occurs (no more text was added, but remains stalled at 548). If I then 'clear' the textbox using null characters, then I can proceed normally and add text, but only up to about 548 lines. BTW, I confirmed that the text data being written to the textbox was not at all truncated, only that which was written in the textbox.

So here's my question, is there a way to increase the limit or buffer space of the createmultilinetextbox so that about 1000 lines of text could be written to the multi-line textbox?


Re: createmultilinetextbox line limit exceeded?


I don't have a quick answer for you, and I need to investigate further.  The text box in AppGraphics is simply a Windows Common Controls multiline text box, nothing more.  There should only be a character limit, but it appears something else is afoot.  I'll have to replicate the issue and really dig into why it isn't working.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: createmultilinetextbox line limit exceeded?

It appears that the control was hitting a text limit controlled by the EM_SETLIMITTEXT message.   For inserting text, AppGraphics will now check if the limit is about to be violated and increase it if and only if necessary.  That does mean, though, that there could still be issues if a user is simply typing into the edit box and hits the limit.  I'm not sure exposing the call is overly useful, though.

Regardless, in your case, it should be fixed in the next release (possibly next week).

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: createmultilinetextbox line limit exceeded?


Thank you for looking into this and identifying the problem. I look forward to the next release of SF.

Thanks once again,

Re: createmultilinetextbox line limit exceeded?


Thank you for the recent update of Simply Fortran version 3.31.  And special thanks for extending the line limit of the multiline text box control. Version 3.31 appears to be working perfectly.


Re: createmultilinetextbox line limit exceeded?

Hi Jeff,

I have a question regarding the use of the multilinetextbox that you possible could help answer. I'll try an explain the problem as best as I can.  I created a parent window and attached a multilinetextbox in it.  I also have some menu items on the parent window (e.g., Open, Run, etc.).  The Open menu is enabled and the Run menu is disabled to start with.  Once the Open menu is selected, the Run menu is then Enabled, but it stays Grayed.  It's active but grayed out unless I point the mouse cursor over it and then it stays highlighted.  I tried to refresh the window, but that didn't solve the problem.  The only way that I found to highlight the already enabled but grayed Run menu is to create a System call to a dummy executable. The problem with this approach is that it causes the main window to blink which is not very attractive. 

So my question is, what procedure can be called that would refresh the main parent menu items above the inset multilinetextbox?


Re: createmultilinetextbox line limit exceeded?


It sounds like a refresh issue on the menu bar.  Let me take a look at how it can be cleanly handled.  I'll provide a workaround if needed in the meantime.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC