1 (edited by JohnWasilewski 2014-01-07 01:19:06)

Topic: Assign more of the options to projects

Jeff, I notice you've changed things slightly so that the Make & Makefile option, Makefile name, is now tied to teh currently-saved project.  This is a great help because it makes it possible to have two projects in the same project folder, one for a 32-bit version and one for a 64-bit version, for example.

I do this by naming my build and modules folders, build32, build64, modules32 and modules64, and by naming my makefiles, Makefile32 and Makefile64. 

Another example of how this can be very useful is when one wants both a debugging version of a project and a release version of the same project, both in the same folder.  I believe this is easily achievable now - or rather it will be if you agree to the following request, Jeff, just by naming the Makefile and build and modules folders differently for each version.

Please could you therefore consider also making the Compiler options, Target cpu, and Enable debugging, project-specific?
I ask, because, when I work on my 64-bit version, I always want a target cpu of 'amd64', with debugging enabled, but when, every now and then, I revert to my 32 bit version, I nearly always need to change the target cpu to 'generic', and un-enable debugging.

For that matter, it might be appropriate for several more Compiler options to become project-specific, but I leave that to you to decide.