Topic: Upgrading Simply Fortran


I have installed and registered "Simply Fortran Vs.2.12" some time ago. Now I want to upgrade to the new version 2.14. The more formal question I have is this. What is the best way for a clean update:

- simple installation of the newer version over the previous version
- de-installation of the previous version and then a completely new installation of the recent version?

If the second way is the best then I suppose that the de-installation should be done with the regular Windows uninstaller and not with a special uninstall utility which tries to scratch all remnants of the uninstalled program.

As I have seen on the home page the package manager should also be upgraded with the new version of "Simply Fortran". I suppose that the package manager should be upgraded after the upgrade to the recent version of "Simply Fortran". Is this correct?

Thanks and best regards


Re: Upgrading Simply Fortran

To upgrade Simply Fortran, the recommended method is to just install the latest version.  You do not have to uninstall the previous version; all components from the previous version aside from editor, compiler, and debugger settings will be removed during the installation of the new version. 

You should not use a program that "tries to scratch all remnants of the uninstalled program" to clean up the older version.  That type of utility will almost certainly destroy any settings and registration details, and it's entirely unnecessary in this case.

The SF Package Manager must be upgraded if you wish to use it in conjunction with Simply Fortran 2.14. The underlying Fortran compiler has been upgraded, and the packages necessary for the new compiler cannot be installed without the latest SF Package Manager (because it now understands compiler versions).

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC