Topic: compiling error

I dowloaded Simply Fortran yesterday and am getting following compiler error when I tried to compile an old program. The "1" seems to be right under the paranthesis in the read statement. Is anybody familiar with this type of error?

Compiling GF1.FOR

            READ(2,*,ERR=777) J1,QINN(IPAD,J),(AJP(IPAD,I,J),I=1,M)                                                                 
Error: Syntax error in READ statement at (1)

Thanks for your help.

Re: compiling error

Without seeing a bit more code, I can't really say why you're seeing the error.  Usually, this vague type of error occurs because an array hasn't been defined in the current scope.  In this case, it could be that AJP is not defined in the function where this READ statement occurs.  Because it isn't explicitly defined as an array, the compiler assumes it is a function, although an unknown one, and raises a syntax error.

Would you be comfortable providing the entire body of the program/procedure that contains this READ statement?  If you don't wish to post here, you can email it to me directly at

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: compiling error

Thanks Jeff. I had to change the syntax of the INCLUDE statement in this old code. This has taken care of the problem.