Topic: DBG backtrace

I've been in discussion on!forum/dislin-users .

The topic title is, SIGSEGV fault on CALL DWGfil.
Its about a problem I have with DISLIN, obviously.

Someone there has suggested this:

"Have you tried the command "backtrace" in GDB after a crash of your program ? What is the output of this command ?"

I am not experienced or even at all familiar with how to use DBG.
Is there anything I can do with the debugger under SF to produce relevant output?

Re: DBG backtrace


The backtrace would be equivalent to the "Stack" listing in the Debugger panel.  When you see the SIGSEGV crash, is Simply Fortran's debugger still running?  If so, the "Stack" listing would list the call stack that backtrace would also produce.

The issue is, of course, you won't have any backtrace to speak of because you won't be able to see the calls within DISLIN (I'm guessing, at least).  If they have a debug-capable version of their library, then perhaps you would see the call stack that could be useful to their developers.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

3 (edited by JohnWasilewski 2014-10-29 13:52:31)

Re: DBG backtrace

Thanks Jeff.
I've posted some more crash data on the DISLIN formum, from the SF debugger.
Bit of a nuisance that SF wouldn't allow Ctrl-C to copy the debugger output, but I assume that would need a lot more coding in SF.
I copied it out and typed it into the DISLIN forum by hand.