Topic: Unreadable chars in RPi compilation error msgs

In Linux RPi SF 2.26.2147 Gtk+, compilation error msgs are full of many unreable chars.


Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘num’ at (1); passed INTEGER(4) to INTEGER(2)

In this example, the unreadable chars seen here as ‘num’, where I have pasted them into this report, have taken on a different appearance from how they look in the SF editor pane.  I can only describe in words how the characters ‘num’ look in the SF editor pane, because I can't reproduce them in this report.  They consist of, â,€˜ then two symbols like miniature 4 x 4 matrices, then numâ, then two more symbols like miniature 4 x 4 matrices

The line of Fortran code referred to in this message was this:

12   if(travel(kk).lt.0)call bug(25)

To give you an idea of how many of these there are, here is a longer compiler output fragment

{Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘num’ at (1); passed INTEGER(4) to INTEGER(2)

  5120 if((liq(0)
Error: Type mismatch in argument ‘dummy’ at (1); passed INTEGER(4) to INTEGER(2)

       if(kk.eq.0)call bug(26)
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘num’ at (1); passed INTEGER(4) to INTEGER(2)

  12   if(travel(kk).lt.0)call bug(25)
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘num’ at (1); passed INTEGER(4) to INTEGER(2)

       call rspeak(nl-500)
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘i’ at (1); passed INTEGER(4) to INTEGER(2)

       if( bug(20)
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘num’ at (1); passed INTEGER(4) to INTEGER(2)

       call rspeak(117)
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘i’ at (1); passed INTEGER(4) to INTEGER(2)


Re: Unreadable chars in RPi compilation error msgs


The characters are almost certainly a Unicode quote of some sort that the compiler authors thought was necessary to add based on locales.  Simply Fortran, on the other hand, treats all text as ASCII.  When it reads the compiler output, it is unable to properly translate the (arguably unnecessary) fancy Unicode quote when reading it in.

I might be able to fix the issue by specifying a locale when launching the compiler.  I'll see if I can first replicate the issue.

EDIT: This type of problem was bound to occur since we're not controlling the compiler's configuration on Linux in contrast to Windows.  Simply Fortran is using whatever compiler the distribution provides.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: Unreadable chars in RPi compilation error msgs


One additional question: What Linux distro are you currently using on your Raspberry Pi?  Are you running Raspbian? 

I don't see the issue on Raspbian 8, but it may be due to the locale on my system.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: Unreadable chars in RPi compilation error msgs

Ubuntu Mate