Topic: New version SF 3.30 May 10, 2023

Hi Jeff,
I'm having problems compiling an existing program with the new SF v3.30.  There appears to be a problem with the make file. Even when I delete the make file and create a new one.

Makefile.MLS(27): Error: Illegal character value 0eH in file
Error: Make execution terminated

# Auto-including AppGraphics libraries.
PRJ_LFLAGS=`Aè AŒ£K -laplot -lappgraphics -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -lcomctl32 -luuid -loleaut32 -lole32 -lstdc++

Any suggestions?


Re: New version SF 3.30 May 10, 2023


Some of my files are shown in the SF Edit menu as Windows and others are GNU Linux.

Edit Menu:
-Line End Characters
--GNU Linux

If I change them all to Windows (I'm running MS Windows 10.), a Make error is received.

Shouldn't they all be set to 'Windows Line End Characters'?
Or does SF 3.30 decide for me?


Re: New version SF 3.30 May 10, 2023


In regards to the first post, it appears that there is an undefined string being utilized when generating the flags during makefile construction if Aplot is linked.  I'm mildly surprised it isn't crashing Simply Fortran.  We had some changes in the Aplot flag generation due to macOS that caused this.  I'll get new builds out today.

Line end characters are complicated.  When a file is opened in Simply Fortran, it attempts to determine the line end characters predominantly in use in the file based on the first 20 or so lines of code.  Regardless of the operating system, Simply Fortran will continue to use those line end characters that it thinks are the most common in the file from that point onwards.  There probably could be a setting to force a given line end character, though. 

But you've said that, when choosing "Windows Line End Characters," you receive a make error?  Is that when the makefile is open?  That setting in the Edit menu is per-file, meaning it only affects the currently open tab, nothing more.  And unless you select "Convert All," it doesn't actually do anything until you press Enter in the editor.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: New version SF 3.30 May 10, 2023

A little more clarification: the first bug Frank identified only occurs on Windows and only when AppGraphics and Aplot are both detected by Simply Fortran.  We'll have new builds out today.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: New version SF 3.30 May 10, 2023


Thanks for quickly identifying the problem with the Make file using SF in Windows.
I look forward to using the revised new version 3.30 when it becomes available.

Regarding choosing "Windows Line End Characters" in SF/Edit, the Make file error occurred when using either Windows or GNU End Character settings.  I don't think this was related to the 'bug'.

Thanks agaiin,

Re: New version SF 3.30 May 10, 2023


Can you provide some specific steps to replicate the line end characters bug?  I really don't understand what you're describing.

Jeff Armstrong
Approximatrix, LLC

Re: New version SF 3.30 May 10, 2023


I apologize for the confusion.  I shouldn't have even mention "Line End Characters".  I do not believe they are related to the Make file 'bug' where strange characters appeared in the PRJ_LFLAGS=`Aè AŒ£K .

Makefile.MLS(27): Error: Illegal character value 0eH in file
Error: Make execution terminated

Make file:
# Auto-including AppGraphics libraries.
PRJ_LFLAGS=`Aè AŒ£K -laplot -lappgraphics -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -lcomctl32 -luuid -loleaut32 -lole32 -lstdc++


Re: New version SF 3.30 May 10, 2023


The new version 3.30, build 3952 works perfectly.

Thank you very much for your prompt correction.
